Saturday, August 10, 2024

Who Controls the Most Money?

 Who Controls the Most Money?

    Do we trust our governments that tax us? For much of my life I have trusted my Church with my money more than my federal, state, or local governments. But, we have to trust in who holds our money at the end of the day. If not, then maybe we should go someplace where we trust that our earnings and taxes do us more good, do us better in the short or long run. Good luck. Canada? Aruba? Some desert island where one cannot be taxed? Doubtful that anyone can find those in these days.

    We need infrastructure, government, big and small businesses. The United States has the biggest economy in the world, now followed by China. We need courts and judges, lawyers and laws enforced to help us keep our money secure. Law enforcement, and the militaries that protect us beyond the local or other criminal actors.

    Many politicians speak about how to use our monies: Help the poor, help the lower and middle classes, defund some departments and causes, raise fees and taxes for others.

    Some people believe that the Reagan "trickle-down economics" is a fallacy and has been proven wrong. Was it wrong? Did the 1980s work for enough of the United States? Did enough people win in the long run, in the bottom line of money and finances?

    Was Milton Friedman the best economist for the modern age? Before there were all these modern technologies, crypto-currencies, now Artificial Intelligence making decisions for us on how to win and lose in stocks and mutual funds?

    Which people control the most money and power? The Federal Reserve System, supposed to be apolitical, governs and reigns in profligacy or foolishness when it comes to fiscal responsibility and other diligence and care for wealth, for guarding it and letting it grow and proliferate, spreading out to the masses, to include the poor and the needy.

    We, the United States, are the land of opportunity. Other countries, millions of others, are able to spend less on things like battle ships and aircraft carriers, submarines and missiles, the huge amount of funds and resources we in the U.S. dedicate to be ready to fight. To stop rogue actors or entire authoritarian regimes from doing their damage as they wish.
    Some, like indigenous and other minority voices claim the United States is the bully and the oppresor, but I do believe most of us know that we have a beneficent ruler in our government over the last two hundred years and where we have been, and where we would like to go.

    Who holds our money? Church and state, thanks be to the almighty.

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