Tuesday, August 27, 2024

my mom and selling, discovering

 my mom and selling, discovering

    dedicated to ee cummings and other artistic thinkers and original humans

    i have blogged and explicated about her in the past

    in this blog

    she could be like your mother, or a thousand others

    but no, she is one of a kind


    besides the gambling, and the religious duties

    like visiting, or family history research and temple work

    her real passion and interest was finding things

    knick knacks, dohickeys

    handicrafts and artisanal works

    jewels and bobbits

    n' doodads

    n' tings

    lotta tings

    i meant doohickies and plates

    necklaces and bracelets

    ornaments and bawbles

    art works and paintings

    things she would gift me

    a cloth of the mother and child

    mary and jesus

    little statuettes

    light fixtures

    old books

    of poems 

    or the plan for german domination

    (i almost capitalized deutschland, or deuchen, as they are want to do)

    so you see

    my mom had eyes and ears for a thousand things

    all of them,

    big or small,

    the lord god made them all

    not always wise, nor wonderful

    but always caring



    at times retreating

    but curious

    lest i forget earrings, 

    and all manner of bawbles

    i mean not to diminish them and their worth

    crystals, glasses, metals, carved or engraved

    embroideries, wood carvings, polished works and 

    all things cute and ornate

    i have spoken

    i relayed most of it

    except maybe some king james bible english

    for things

    to collect

    speaking of antiques

    she would be 84 now

    eighty-four earth years

    not ancient

    nor antique

    like the gadgets and doodads of yesteryear



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