Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tales in Transportation

Tales in Transportation

    We all have to get from there to here, or back again. Some people get paid to do it. I have been paid to do my share of it in the Army. Driver. Truck commander, on occasion. Does gunner in the turret count?

    Not really. 

    We pay people a lot of money over time to get places. Buses, trains, boats, plains, sometimes donkeys and camels. How much of our life do we pay for transportation? Our cars, trucks, other vehicles. Even bikes and kayaks. We rent or even pay for RVs and campers.

    We get to know some of the conveyance pilots and chauffeurs. Drivers and riders. Some are conscientious and kind, while others are callous and rude.
    Can you think of some that have stood out to you in the past?

    I had a bus driver in 8th grade. Perhaps two or more. One was fired for letting the Eddie Murphy Raw album play while driving the elementary school kids. Dumby. No, dummy. Yeah, dumb move.

    Taxi drivers in New York City, from the airport to the Italian restaurant. Or the private driver to La Guardia, from my ex-brother-in-law's building, downtown. Was that Morgan Stanley? Or Credit Suisse First Boston?

    How have you gotten to where you need to go?

    The mind can travel back far.

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