Tuesday, August 27, 2024

my Jewish friend in Israel with no response (6).

 my Jewish friend in Israel with no response (6).

    I thought of her lately. I think about her individually; maybe I think about a million, or millions of others. We have to start somewhere. Might as well start with what we know. Or what we knew. Or whom we knew.

    Did I know her? Surely, I did. We sat next to each other in the innocent days of third grade. Still the 1970s. Vietnam was far from us, anyway. But the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War not so much. Rather, these conflicts must have been close, I presume. Perhaps her parents could keep her a few more years from these statements of the reality of modern-day Israel.

    And to be clearer and more honest, in more perfect candor, it is not simply about being Jewish. It is being alive. Being human. Goy or not, we all are the same. Twisted and corrupted Darwinism could not convince us otherwise. But, they are the Chosen, are they not?

    I was raised as such as well. We have some things in common. Albeit Christian, we do not believe ourselves the Gentiles of the modern days. Latter days. We are of the Covenant of God, or rather, the covenants.

    We knew each other from the 70s to the 1980s. I saw her once in the 1990s, after visiting and studying in the Holy Land. She was married to an Austrian. Another Jewish man. It was not meant to be, I gather. Pardon my blunt assessments.

    Trying to be honest. Forthright. Real. True. Hard to arrive at, a lot of the time.

    The truth, the people of God, and the despotic rulers who hate them. All there in the annals of our history.

    What else to say? We can narrow it down to one person at a time.

    The awful fateful day of October 7th, 2023 occurred. Some twelve hundred Hamas fighters, known as terrorists to the majority of the world, went and wreaked horror in Israel. 

    Many argue around the world that the constant state of oppression across Gaza and the West Bank was its own type of terror. But not as egregious as that day.

    It has been a blood bath ever since.

    But, then again, the history of this people has been fraught with strife and suffering.

    I reached out to her almost three years ago, while I was out in the Middle East. We talked, we spoke of writing, she offered to help me. She is still a friend. Even without talking to her most of our adult lives. I think a friend for life. I hope. In the end, the religion of one can be who we are, but I know that interpersonal relationships are gifts of or from God, and we are His children.

    I sent a message to her, maybe October 8th or 9th. 

    No response. 

    A couple months later I sent another message. Nothing.

    It has been 10 months now. A 52-year-old hostage in Gaza was rescued. He looks 72. He is alive; his family ran to see him.

    Lebanon confederates have shot missiles into Israel. Israel fights back.

    They will not back down. The people of God, where He prevails, will not stop fighting.

    Unfortunately, there may not be enough room for the Arabs as well.

    I still await the response. A mutual friend has received no reply. Yet.

    We trust she is fine. But living or otherwise, it seems hard to be fine at times like these. Or maybe ever. I will speak to her once more.

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