Monday, August 12, 2024

A VA guy, name known but best not to share here, so-called expert told me I was not injury-prone in my role in the military

A VA guy, name known, but best not to share here, so-called expert told me I was not injury-prone in my role in the military

    I am still thinking about this. I hurt my shoulder in the U.S. Army doing Army combatives about 16 years ago, which is a modified form of jiu jitzu, and I could not do pushups, or even shoot a basketball, for many months. I went to Army base specialists for months to help fix it. 

    This guy, I will call him Frederico Noches, told me that service members who got hurt were infantry or special forces, not people in other functions. Wow. This is a so-called expert.

    Insulting. Calling me out on my integrity as to what injury I sustained while performing my duties in the Army, and offending my whole profession in the U.S. Army.

    Wow, dude, thanks for nothing, or worse: you are a morale killer and the cancer I see right now.

    Enough for now. I needed to vent this. Probably some more later.

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