Sunday, August 11, 2024

Donald Trump: Your Buffoonery May Have Finally Caught Up with You

Donald Trump: Your Buffoonery May Have Finally Caught Up with You

    You have been arrogant and braggadocios for a long time, but you managed to fool a lot of people and create some success for yourself and many of your causes. "Winning", as Charlie Sheen might call it. Wow, what winners define as success.

    Me, as a Republican since 1996, had my reasons not to trust you and why I felt you constantly insulted my intelligence. You were not the best of the party that I tend to believe in and support. You lost to Joe Biden, fair and square as our country goes, and there was never any evidence of any missed counts of votes. Rather, there is evidence you, Donald, tried to game the system. "I need only 12,000 more votes" or something like that. I think in Georgia... AMIRITE?

    Me, again, I thought you needed to come clean on your finances, the guy who declared bankruptcy "according to the laws available", who ruined the USFL when I was a teenager in the 1980s, who claims to be so super rich and successful in one breathe but will not show his taxes, not for even one year, in the next inhale. How many people know your wealth and investments? I don't. That insults me. How do I know he does not have money invested in Russia? "Oh," some have told me in years past, "there are Americans who know." They trust them, whomever they are. I do not. Seeing is believing, and I have not seen it. You cannot have it both ways, sir.

    Now he attacks an opponent based on racial identity? You never did that with Barach Obama, even though you tried the witch hunt of his birth place. 

    Donald, you have become a codgity old man, way too blustery, too foolish, too confident in your own bull-headed ways. Do not attack a person, male or female or whatever, of their identity. Stupid.

    Keep to the policy differences and failures of the people that you oppose. Don't call John McCain a loser, a man who served his country bravely and was tortured by the Vietnamese for years. A true American hero, not like you who had bad feet in the 1960s. I call that a "loser" Donald. You cannot touch John McCain. I want you to apologize to him and all veterans of this country, long after his death, I cannot forget your offensive and vapid statements.

    I cannot in good conscience vote for you, as normal. I will not vote for the Democrat candidate, likely, unless something drastically changes. But I will strive to be a good citizen, and maintain my standards high, as I hope for our elected officials.

    Donald, you have a few more chances to win me over. But, I do not think that you get it, and now you make these stupid, bombastic, personal attacks and all types of ad hominem arguments as you are prone to do. Your old or newly found poor arguing skills may have finally sunk you.

    We shall see. 85 days to go to find out. Or, if you try the old school shenanigans of last election, maybe longer.

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