Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Habsburgs Turned into an Empire to be Crushed after a Thousand Years

The Habsburgs Turned into an Empire to be Crushed after a Thousand Years

    This feudal family of the Habsburgs in Germany developed by the middle of the Dark Ages, in central Europe, that would become Germany and Austria someday. This family became a stronger kingdom, spreading out through Europe and became an empire, even linking up with Spain for two hundred years. As Germany was uniting as a nation, becoming more and more powerful in the 1800s, Austria-Hungary, the Hapsburg Empire, was feeling that they with Germany has enough power, along with the Ottomans, to battle the world upon the death of their Archduke in 1914. Which set up what was to come.

    The Second World War. The set up of the Soviet Bloc across Europe and hot fighting in the Cold War throughout the world. The rush to establish Israel, or re-constitute Israel, where many Arabs were displaced and forced into smaller areas. Where the United Nations bolstered the more or less equal division of the Holy, but the Arabs, both the newly forming Palestinians, and the surrounding neighbors of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, tried to end that international mandate.

    Israel stayed strong. And now... The massacres started by Hamas and Hizballah on one side is being followed by more against the Arabs, with Israel fighting tooth and nail. With many innocents being swept up and down into the graves, dug much too early.

    And the Russians and Ukrainians fight into their territories to the north.

    Not the fault of the Habsburgs, nor history, just cycles of consequences. We fit in it inside and along the margins. We must understand it to try to improve and avoid such negative trends.



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