Monday, March 3, 2014

Made it to Hospice

If anyone read the last blog post I wrote, you may know that it is a serious and a solemn time for me and my family. My other is gravely ill and things are looking difficult for her to survive.

I was able to travel from the East Coast on Saturday to be here in Indiana with my mom, her husband, and for now my oldest sister to take care of her. We decided by Sunday (yesterday) to bring her here. We are at a nice hospice, a place where some patients might recover but the majority do not.

The time since being here Saturday evening has been difficult, but good from a standpoint of being close to her and the family. We have time to discuss things and work out details with thought and preparation. My sister has been here over a week and she has helped immensely. They tried their best, bringing my mother to different doctors and clinics. But it seems the time has come to release my mom from the physical ailments that have caught up with her.

The last 8 days, perhaps she has decreased from about 75% activity to about 5 %. She is mostly sleeping now, and does not say much when she opens her eyes.

Gradual yet sudden. I talked to her meaningfully for the last time in the past week from my home 12 hours away. Since being here, she has heard me and sometimes understood me but not that much. She is more aware of my sister and step-father.

She may get a boost of energy or lucidity in the near future. We do not know. But we are making plans for her farewell. It is sad, but we are lucky to have each other.

And have plans and preparations.

And have a mom, if only for 73 wondrous years. A wife, and caregiver, and soul-mate to many.

Love you dearly.

EMC (#1 Son)


  1. Still hanging in the top 10. I have re-read this over the years.

  2. It was snowy and cold those March days.

  3. By my metrics, perhaps more people care about billionaires, or what little I had to say about one. Could AI be populating these visits?
