Thursday, March 13, 2014

Different Operating Systems Create Family Rifts

Does that make sense? I guess it goes along with phone plans and nationalities. And other institutions of man, many of whom are competitive and require money.

So, if someone has the operational system Mozilla-Firefox or Explorer, then they cannot log out of, say, a gmail account which is Google based, because they do not have the right operational system? Is this just a small technical problem that can be skipped over?

Like calling a Verizon phone with a Sprint or AT & T phone won't work, because they do not "recognize" each other?

Are things that messed up? Meanwhile, family members are sick and tired of the confusion and extra work due to this apparent imcompatibility of plans or systems.

There are things about the 21st century that are not so cool.

Who do we blame? Capitalism?

I wish I knew the quicker answer...

If you know how to switch gmail accounts for email through Yahoo, or Mozilla or Explorer, please share...


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