Monday, August 19, 2024

Phil Donahue: Rest in Peace and Thank You!

 Phil Donahue: Rest in Peace and Thank You!

    He was passionate and smart; he wanted to ask questions, talk, and listen. Share and communicate and discuss. He was a groundbreaker in communication, I am convinced. He made weekday television, especially in the summers when there were fewer things to watch or observe that had much merit or wisdom, weekday television became a bit smarter and insightful.

    Phil was wise and innovative. I do think that he influenced and affected me, mostly for the positive. I believe he did that, even though I did not always believe in or agree with his opinions or points of view.

    He was a thinker, an entertainer, and pioneer in his field. A part of Americana, a part of our story, my story, and countless stories of the underprivileged and the unknown or forgotten.
    He brought enlightenment and open dialog to a constant myriad of topics and issues, and represented people after people, big, medium, and especially small.

    Controversial at times? Sure. But he knew how to drive into reality and bring some good old honest scrutiny and debate, analysis and sharing to public and private television, to the airwaves of young and old, such as me, where silly comedies in syndication or perhaps the Cubs game, or a little Braves, were the best shows in town.

    Bravo, Phil. I think you owe you a lot about who we are and how I am.

    And as they say in the "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes", "this is important."

    God bless you, sir.

    May we dialog in the heavens some day. I owe you one. Or a few.

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