Friday, August 16, 2024

We need to Support Ukraine

 We need to Support Ukraine

    A couple Americans I know think that we should not help Ukraine with money or materiel in order to help them beat and beat back the Russians.

    Seriously, does anyone think that the Russians should be backed down to by anyone who has a chance of physically resisting them? Has anyone watched them and their rules over millions upon others in the last 70 years alone? How about last five hundred years?

    The Russians have meant harm upon U.S. citizens and our allies directly and indirectly for generations. They need to be stopped from overtaking a great and friendly sovereign nation in Ukraine.

    Our dollars are not wasted in supporting them to fight and resist the Russian military. We, if I can speak for the workers and the even the poor of the United States...

    Because we, at many levels, as much as we bleed and sweat to pay for the bread at the table, and we in the United States toil and labor to get by and survive here: we do not pay the price of inequality and oppression like those under the Russian hammer and iron anvil, a crushing crucible of excruciating weight and awful misery.

    Then again, some nationalistic thinkers and others think or proclaim that "they are not that bad."

    Think again, free world.

    Fight these guys with everything that you have.

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