Sunday, August 7, 2022

Stains and Scars - New and Old Creations

Stains and Scars - New and Old Creations

Some days we make stains, or they make us

Drinks, paste, occasional blood or phlegm

Some people work in stains, in staining agents

Oils, paints, ointments, 

Abrasive elements and agents.

Some stains are meant to be removed, and they come out

Some stains stay forever. 

We keep those stained items, and move on.

Or we remove the offending articles.

Stains come and go, and some linger on.

I noticed some stains on my clothing today, but hardly noticeable or notable.

I will wear that tie again.

I worked on a scar this weekend, thanks to my friend.

A cyst. It was emptied, by a health professional. Not too painful.

Medicines, antibiotics, oral and topical.

This cyst on the surface of my toe should leave a mark, I suppose.

A future scar, a future mark of life.

Another aberration on the map of my mortal coil,

The main container of my genes, cells, organs, material matter.

Scars are earned and gained, found and lost

They name us with their special calligraphy, some more visible,

Some become infected, or grotesque,

But most we hide away, wear off with aplomb, or show off majestically

Scars, marks, leftover trails and reminders,

Of work, accidents, actions, life.

I knew a girl with scars on her face and neck. 

I cannot recall how she earned them.

She was a beautiful creature, a very cute person.

I cannot recall her name.

But I remember the scars, the imperfect protuberations,

On the outer shell of her lovely skin.

Scars do not disfigure us.

Only our limited imaginations restrict us

from seeing the beauty of those

Markers of time and passage

Living and dying

Another day.

Another year.

Another lifetime.

People buy all kinds of lotions and creams to cover up their imperfections

We use stain remover to purify our garments and belongings,

Furniture and carpets, cars and homes.

We stain our woods, and polish our metals.

Paint and repaint, not leaving too many stains.

We become purified through creating and erasing 

All of it.

We arrive at the end of the journey

Stained, scarred, and better for all of  it.

Intended or not.

We are a summation of these markers.

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