Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mom - A Poem

Mom - A Poem

I am not sure if we chose our mom

But we got her

I am not sure how much we think our mom should be like other women

But, she is unique

 She is ours

 There she is

I am not sure how much we are supposed to love our mom

We do as we can, we do as we live, and learn

As we moved from her womb out into the world

I am not sure what we are supposed to say when our mom leaves

I love you, I miss you, I think of you always

I know where my mom is from

Her home ground is familiar, in stories

Kind of 

I remember my mom talking about her youth

Her parents, her siblings, her home

There was my mom's mom

And the mothers before them

On and on into distant memories and gleams in our eyes

We think of them in different states, provinces,

Countries, homelands

Their graves are marked, or maybe not

There they are

Deep in our earth and back through time and in our souls

Our mothers.

I am sure that I will see my mom again

I will see her always 


On and on


We will see mom in photographs

Feel her in memories

Touch her in lapsed moments

Picture her smile and laugh

Taste her foods and savor her recipes

Remember her in songs and melodies

Rehash her calls and mailed postage letters in the birds' tweets 

and flutters

Savor the impact of the cards and holiday wishes

With loving strokes, she wrote the words and thoughts

Over years and decades

As you, the child, grew up and away

She loved you then and now

And always

She sends these missives still

From stars and heavens

And all places serene

Oceans and streams

Rains and winds

There is your mom.

She lies at rest

But ever unrestful

She sends you love and her energy

Her warmth and her nurture

We praise and remember

We lift her up in our dreams and hopes

From infancy till now

The sound rings on:


The thought, the essence

The love, the sacrifice

She gave us ours

She brought us here; we look back fondly

We see her all around

She was here, she was there!

I could say nothing more 

Or continue for pages

Some books about her

In thousands of words or phrases

She is not contained

She is not burdened by us

Or by God

She is free

Mother is free

She is with you -- and me

She is lovely

She is divine

She is home now

Smiling with the one who brought her

Mom is with all of hers there!



We love you

We miss you

We think of you constantly

You give us hope

You gave us of you

You gave all of it

And we will come around again

Till we meet that next great morning

In Jesus name we pray

By power and grace

Embraced and held

In your arms

Once again.

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