Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Count your Dead, and Don't Be Among Them

 Count your Dead, and Don't Be Among Them

    Between the first time that I remember seeing a real dead body at a viewing when I was a younger boy, and witnessing the treatment of the cancer that my mom had when I was ten years old, was maybe five years. As we grow older, year after year, we see more cases of accidents, sicknesses, tragedies, and death. The trick is to keep on keeping on, making sure that you preserve yourself and others. It does not always work out. Many contingencies abound.

    As we each get older, we know more and more people who do not advance in age and leave this mortal plain. There are so many reasons why. Some are hard or impossible to avoid. Other reasons for death are preventable. No matter how it happens or at whichever age, we must or should learn to count our blessings, avoid the pitfalls, and rise and return to the next day, day after day, year after year.

    Until we must finally expire, leaving some things behind.

    How do we do it. With grace and humility, and effort and luck. And with faith in greater things than ourselves.



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