Thursday, July 18, 2024

J.D. Vance - Reading His Book, Disagree with a Few things on His Views

J.D. Vance - Reading His Book, Disagree with a Few things on His Views

1. At first, I thought it was his extreme stance on no abortions for rape victims. Sorry, my friend. Health and life of the mother comes first. Especially with minors. Rapists should not be rewarded with their vile acts of this extremely brutal act of procreation.

2. I was opposed to J.D.s questions or challenges of the 2020 presidential election. C'mon, man. You are Yale graduated, a Juris Doctorate of all things. That is insulting to all of our intelligence. You drag down the Ivy Leagues worse than Trump or Obama.

3. He thought that NAFTA was wrong. So we should impoverish our neighbor Mexico and try to bear the brunt of four times more immigrants from there? You of all people are anti-immigrant. Get it right, mi cuate.

4. He believed in backing off support of Ukraine, and focus on Israel. Well.

I am glad I was alive and thinking during the Reagan years, because when it comes to Russia and freedom, you, sir, do not get it. You have some learning to do.

    I hope you will, Jackson and Middletown boy.

    I come from Bloomington, Indiana; parents from greater Boston, Massachusetts.


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