Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hillbilly, Redneck, Appalachian Rube


Strong matches

JD Vance, I think you have overplayed your hillbilliness, and the country's.

But, in case you still consider yourself a country grit and hick, then I do recommend that you write another memoir, maybe while in your forties.

I suggest you call it "Redneck Rhapsody."

    Go to, please. Tell me more about the rednecks of Appalachia, the ones who would either move to industrialized southern Ohio or other parts of the Midwest, or stay behind in ruin. Sure, no agricultural folks in any of those states do anything worth mentioning of success. It's either lower educated folks going to the plants and factories, or stay at home in the hills and hollers and bum off the gubermint with your welfare checks and addictions to booze, tobacco, pot, and meth. 

    It is just that simple. Right? Nah, brah: our cultures have a few more nuances than you have summed up in your best-selling memoir. I read it, enjoyed it, but disagreed with a few parts. Some of the economic analysis left me wanting. I did see a lot of what I felt was honesty and insight, and I certainly felt compelled as I read and thought about it.

    I am not sure I would brag about my Granny (see Mamaw) having 19 loaded guns laying around her house. I have heard you explain this twice, in very public venues. You had a rough rearing, yes, but now we have to represent more of the people and go for better values, missions, plans, projects, rules, and ideas.

    Time to be a leader, Mr. Vance.

    I will try a bit myself.
    We can be part rube, part sophisticate, and all-American. Keep up the dream, sir. I intend to do so; and write a few memoirs of my own.

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