Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Charlie Brown, then Sting, Thou Hast Brought Murphy's Pessimistic Law Upon Me! Fie Upon Thee

Charlie Brown, then Sting, Thou Hast Brought Murphy's Pessimistic Laws Upon Me! Fie Upon Thee ... or rather Me

    Who was the girl, the mean brunette, Lucy? Who would pull the football out from his foot and poor 'ole Charlie would go flying, foiled again. As always.

    The Police became huge, iconic, ubiquitous. Likely eponymous. Whatever that means. He, Sting, would sing, in later song refrains of his career: 

Do I have to tell the story
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me that ends up getting wet

    Yep, too often it is me, like Charlie Brown. But like him, and the frustrated character in the Police tune, while wet, we are unfettered by immobilization. We keep going. I maintain motion, momentum, some forward trajectory and inertia towards...

    The endline, the goal, the ultimate objective: living, surviving, and success.

    Charlie and me, and even Gordan Sumner. Or whatever his real name is.

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