Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I have Been a Republican Two Years Less than Donald Trump -- Sorry Usha, You've been Forced into a Tough One

I have Been a Republican Two Years Less than Donald Trump -- Sorry Usha, You have been Forced into a Tough One

    I think that JD is really smart and commendable at much success. I believe he loves his country, but he is not picking the right horses nor battles. I have listed a few so far.

    I think that deep down he, and especially Usha, is smarter than that.

    We can discuss, please.

    Oh, yes, and Donald Trump: stop insulting my intelligence and forcing me to distrust you to the core, bragging about wealth in one breathe and not revealing your taxes EVER in the next. Show me the money, sir. Or you will always be fired in my public servant book.

    I am more Republican than you. And, I did not get out of military service because of my bad feet.

    Also, you need to make amends for pillorying John McCain's heroic record and name. Still will never forget that atrocious slight.

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