Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mega Cultures Consume and Dominate the Smaller Cultures

Mega Cultures Consume and Dominate the Smaller Cultures

    Most cultures are encapsulated in their languages. Languages are run by cultures big and small, but their numbers and influence depend greatly. The mega big cultures are the ones that overcome borders and push outward and beyond, overtaking others.

    This is certainly true of the British Empire and its English reach. France, Spain, Portugal have kept perpetuating across the globe. Russians have maintained great influence over culture and space, and China continues, while Japan and Korea battle. Others continue to strengthen and grow. Germany, Turkey, and of course the Arabs and those in India or Pakistan. I suppose Bangladesh and Indonesia are solid bases of culture, through their languages. As is Iran. Many smaller languages and their cultures exist still. While others strive mightily to survive.

    Native American tribes across the Western Hemisphere are struggling to maintain their histories and languages. Is this true of the Inuit and natives of Siberia or across Asia? The mega cultures of Russia and China perhaps diminish their presence, the smaller ethnic enclaves and tribes within their borders? Perhaps, but maybe not as much as the pervasive forces of the English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French of the rest of the world. 

    Is English and Hindi overtaking the other languages and cultures of India? Are some European cultures and languages squeezing out the smaller ones in that multi-cultural continent? What about Africa? Or the South Pacific?

    What are the smallest cultures battling to stay afloat, to maintain their languages and micro-cultures? Are they found among the plains of the United States, or in other disparate parts of the United States? How about into the Arctic regions of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland? Iceland has kept their language and culture pretty well guarded, from my estimation.

    What about the Faeroe Islands, or the Island of Mann? What of all these small, isolated islands with their own cultures? Are they able to maintain their own cultural sovereignties? 

    I would like to know and explore.

    Otherwise, the Uber cultures will continue to arise, and encroach, and subsume the others.

    How fast is this happening? Slower than climate change, perhaps?

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