Friday, July 26, 2024

Love and Passion Cannot Be replaced by True Love and Commitment through Oath and Covenant

Love and Passion Cannot Be replaced by True Love and Commitment through Oath and Covenant

    Many books, stories, films, and scientific topics cover love, which covers all kinds of love: romantic, patriotic, filial, parental, community, nationalistic, idealistic, etcetera. Of all these narratives and cases, only the long term ...

    Begun July 29th. 

    God has a way, or ways, to have us children commit and lock in to being good, doing good, accomplishing good.

    I tried to express that Sunday (August 4, 2024), in Franklin, Massachusetts, to the Foxboro Ward.

    Sister Mullin has had it rough, but I testified that Jesus had her. Yes, I believe he does.

    I wanted to write more about promises, covenants, words and preaching that I have heard a lot of in Spanish the last few weeks.

    I took an oath recently to defend my people, my country, my beliefs. Yes, we need oaths and covenants. We need to be so committed to God and ourselves to overcome ourselves, to transcend the temporary impulses and perhaps especially the imperfect executions and attempts in life and work that most of us try to achieve hour by hour, day by day, year by year.

    We need bigger aims and goals and those covenants in order to accomplish the biggest things in all existence. Like energy and gravity. Huge laws and orders. We as humans have to plug in to bigger systems. We have to become part of a greater work.
    And that is God, more or less.

    Okay, maybe I stated what I was itching to express... At the end of last month.

    Spoke to a friend in recovery last night. It was good. Less interaction with my family, however.

    Trade offs.

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