Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fighting Back Against Bullies -- If I had More Power

Fighting Back Against Bullies -- If I had More Power

    I once wanted to be a writer and work in TV and film so that I could influence things for the good of all people. For the good of what I thought was right. We all know there are bad influences and things in life that we should call attention to and fight, to the best of our ability. I have not done too much of that. I talked about it, thought about it, still discuss and ruminate about it now, but as I read recently, in an infamous tome, that being able to speak in oratory is normally more powerful than writing, which does underscore the ability to write scripts for film and television...

    Nevertheless, we are limited in our scope and capacity to imbue our beliefs and values for the good of ourselves and humanity, for the betterment of our planet, if it is for science, or for the benefit of others, like people suffering in whichever place where they live and battle to survive.

    As a child I really resented the bullies who would try to intimidate and lord it over the weaker among us. I stuck up for the ones picked on or bullied, and it made me feel good. In today's world we have many bullies across the world. Some are governments, some look at the police as abusers of their trust and power, or some accuse the court systems or judges-- others blame the mega rich and the uber companies of keeping the "little people" down. The systems do not change, the detractors assuage.

    Little folks are bullied by bigger ones, in every station. Does the United States government and its military appear to be as such? Surely China clamps down on its population and hyper controls and abuses its powers over its population. Russia, anyone? Ugh. Talk about a miserable oppressor.

    We (the U.S.) are blamed for fighting "unnecessarily" in Vietnam, or more recently Iraq, or even Afghanistan. What has Russia done? The nations that the U.S. fought and administrated in are being lead by their people, or at least in the case of Kabul, the strongest force is in control, which represents some of its people. Moscow is a bully, as we have seen decade after decade; China is collectively as bad. North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Syria... Case after case of the people being cowed by their leaders and oppressive governments.

    George Orwell prophetically foresaw all this; but, he had histories of the past to know how things work with structures of humanity that have gone astray.

    The Holocaust of World War II. The Japanese in China, or Korea, the Chinese in Tibet, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the wanton warlords in Somalia, the mobs of killers in the Congo, or Rwanda, or any other upside nation of Africa, South America, Asia.

    If I were in a position of more power, I would try to influence more anti-bullying across the planet. Stick up for the disempowered, the weak, the oppressed, the victims of so many unending injustices...

    We want to be those leaders and those powers.

    But we come up short, and in allowing others their own sovereignty, like Afghanistan or Israel, or Libya or Haiti, we permit all the bad things to occur.

    Do you see the problems we face? What can we do about it?

    Vote, act, write, think, publicize, share, read, learn, analyze.

    Pray. We at times need to recuse ourselves and reserve ourselves, as pacifists, akin to Buddhists, and let things be. Is it apathy, indifference? Is it ignorance, or selfish having our own and not caring enough or risking enough to change the bullied status quo of others?

    We can only control, change, or influence so much. We obviously have to make sure our own beds are made, that our own homes are in order.

    Well, I have thought a bit, written a bit.

    What can be done now?

    Post. But it is 2024 now. Maybe later...

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