Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Borders - Must they Be?

 Borders - Must they Be?

    I learned at UCLA (or perhaps re-learned) that the treaty of Westphalia of 1648 established sovereignty and thus we have the modern-day foundations of borders and limits of ownership as we know it. 

    Things have solidified since, with more countries becoming independent and covering their own grounds, sometimes stronger ones, like the United States, expanding and growing. Russia has ebbed and waned, as other former empires have come and gone. The Turks, the Persians, the Germans, the French, the British, the Austro-Hungarians, Spain, even Holland and Belgian, have had their attempts.

    Who is sovereign? What are the borders today? Who taxes whom? Who lives in power?

    The Jehovah's Witnesses believed that countries and secular control should not exist, that it should all belong to Jehovah. Many Christians, and Muslims, believe that God and His government should be the ultimate and sole rulers of us, His creations.

    Hmmm... China is different. The Hindus kind of have their state now.

    What of these borders?

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How not to Write a Book

 How not to Write a Book

    Some of us have that gift, which may be a curse, but really might be a blessing since there are so many books out there, and many of them are not good. Then again, there are many, many great books.

    Could we add one?

    I started one in 2021 and I am close to finishing it. Must continue to polish it off.

    About a U.S. contractor in Afghanistan. Fictional with real elements.

Being the Best

 Being the Best

    Watching the Olympics is inspiring, to see hundred and thousands of mostly young athletes giving their all to be the fastest, most skilled individuals and teams in the world. 

    It is good to see, absorb; we are reminded that we all can be great, that it is good to stive to overcome. It is good to try to be the best at what we do.

    Thinking should be similar. Learn, grown, expand, do better.

    Be better in everything, one thing at a time.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Acolyte: Brief views of Darth Plagueis and Yoda

The Acolyte: Brief views of Darth Plagueis and Yoda

    I have this thing about figuring out how Anakin Skywalker came to be, which is referred to slightly in a 2012 book by James Luceno (possibly with an "enye"). Of course, this is about science fiction, created originally by George Lucas. It is possible he himself, Monsieur   does not know how Anakin came to be spontaneously created on Tatooine. Then Disney got hold of the narrative and deemed its authority on what was doctrine versus non-authoritative, canon versus "false", or non-central to the truth of what Disney is pushing out with all its series, which have taken on a robust life in live action alone, not to mention the animated shows that have been populating storylines for many years. My boys watched the Clone Wars and a couple others but I did not have patience for it. Too cheesy, just not buying the cartoon stuff. 

    Psychological break: A day or less passed since I started this post about Plagueis and Yoda in their less than cameos in the last episode of The Acolyte, and: I realized that as kids and as we grow up with the Star Wars characters and narratives, and now relatively deep into our adulthoods, (mine, anyway), I have drawn on the personas and plotlines of them now ongoing throughout my life to, in some cases, reference and use these roles and stories as a basis for my own self-understanding, interest, motivation, or at least a type of comfort or assurance, or at minimum escape. Many consider fiction and fantasy as a way to escape... There are other religious or philosophical implications in all this, perhaps it is rather superficial pop-analysis. Popular bubble gum pseudo-science. Yes, perhaps.


    Wikipedia, or Wookipedia, claims that a guy briefly shown in the last episode of The Acolyte was none other than Darth Plagueis, a guy I thought might have been Snoke in the last three movies of the Ray/ Kylo Ren saga, 2015-2019. The Luceno book stated there was only one Dark Sith Lord who ever turned to be a Jedi, to the "good". My son thought maybe this was Yoda, which might be fitting, and accurate, based on his long history. And the last image of him as Osha is entrapped by Qimir, or whatever this resurrectionist Sith Lord is truly named. He is not a Muun, as Plagueis is supposed to be...

    Confused? Enlightened?

    Join the club.

    Timothy Zahn was supposed to have had the best stories, but Disney has dismissed his narratives, to many peoples' disdain and chagrin...

    To the folks that brought us Jarjar Binks: thanks, Mickey Mouse! Walt might be spinning his cryo-frozen preserved head in its cryo-tank deep within the a Burbank vault, or wherever.

Did I 'splain myself? Perhaps I left out some things...


Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Five Remaining MLB Team Never-Haves Update, end of July 2024

The Five Remaining MLB Team Never-Haves Update, end of July 2024

    There are now only six major league teams that have never won a World Series. Since the Cubs won in 2016, which signified the end of the world as we know it, and all other time is a bonus gift to us. Since then, the Astros and Rangers have now become champions in the Fall Classic.

    Who might end the never-have status next to be the World Champions? Let us discuss the not likelies to more possible, in that order.

    The Colorado Rockies. Ugh. We can stick a fork in them before the end of the July trade deadline. They are 38-56, 23.5 games back of the division leading Los Angeles Dodgers. In the wild card race they trail by 17, and all the other wild card candidates are ahead of them in the National League. Well, the Miami Marlins also trail the wild card leader New York Mets by 17. The next lowest are the Washington Nationals that are only 7 games behind, but there many teams above them, including the...

    The San Diego Padres. There is hope here; they just got a good pitcher... Their batting might be good enough, and Dylan Cease threw a no-hitter, the second in Padres history, and now their record is 56-50, trailing the above-mentioned Dodgers by 6.5 games, but among the top wild card candidates. These guys in yellow and brown might be getting things together. I want Arraez to hit .400, we know, while he is scuffling a bit at .309 or so. If he and the others get hot, watch out....

    Milwaukee Brewers. These guys are not bad, leading their division at 59-44. They are ahead of a surging Cardinals squad by 6 games. Who knows? Will they surge up their pitching to be among the best this fall? I like most things about them except the beer connection to their name.

    Tampa Bay Rays. Milwaukee, and even San Diego, have better chances than the Rays right now in the American League East Division and the American League. They are only 52-52, and trail Boston by four, the Yankees by 7.5, and the division leading Baltimore Orioles by 9.5. Not likely, but crazier things have happened. They did give up a really good batter in Arozarena, to the quite hopeful well playing...

    Seattle Mariners. Let's go! This could be the year! They are only 54-51 but only trail the resurgent Houston Astros by one game. The Rangers are not far away, but the move to get Arozarena is a great move.

    Go Padres and Mariners! End the never-haveness!

Hillbilly, Redneck, Appalachian Rube


Strong matches

JD Vance, I think you have overplayed your hillbilliness, and the country's.

But, in case you still consider yourself a country grit and hick, then I do recommend that you write another memoir, maybe while in your forties.

I suggest you call it "Redneck Rhapsody."

    Go to, please. Tell me more about the rednecks of Appalachia, the ones who would either move to industrialized southern Ohio or other parts of the Midwest, or stay behind in ruin. Sure, no agricultural folks in any of those states do anything worth mentioning of success. It's either lower educated folks going to the plants and factories, or stay at home in the hills and hollers and bum off the gubermint with your welfare checks and addictions to booze, tobacco, pot, and meth. 

    It is just that simple. Right? Nah, brah: our cultures have a few more nuances than you have summed up in your best-selling memoir. I read it, enjoyed it, but disagreed with a few parts. Some of the economic analysis left me wanting. I did see a lot of what I felt was honesty and insight, and I certainly felt compelled as I read and thought about it.

    I am not sure I would brag about my Granny (see Mamaw) having 19 loaded guns laying around her house. I have heard you explain this twice, in very public venues. You had a rough rearing, yes, but now we have to represent more of the people and go for better values, missions, plans, projects, rules, and ideas.

    Time to be a leader, Mr. Vance.

    I will try a bit myself.
    We can be part rube, part sophisticate, and all-American. Keep up the dream, sir. I intend to do so; and write a few memoirs of my own.

Fighting Back Against Bullies -- If I had More Power

Fighting Back Against Bullies -- If I had More Power

    I once wanted to be a writer and work in TV and film so that I could influence things for the good of all people. For the good of what I thought was right. We all know there are bad influences and things in life that we should call attention to and fight, to the best of our ability. I have not done too much of that. I talked about it, thought about it, still discuss and ruminate about it now, but as I read recently, in an infamous tome, that being able to speak in oratory is normally more powerful than writing, which does underscore the ability to write scripts for film and television...

    Nevertheless, we are limited in our scope and capacity to imbue our beliefs and values for the good of ourselves and humanity, for the betterment of our planet, if it is for science, or for the benefit of others, like people suffering in whichever place where they live and battle to survive.

    As a child I really resented the bullies who would try to intimidate and lord it over the weaker among us. I stuck up for the ones picked on or bullied, and it made me feel good. In today's world we have many bullies across the world. Some are governments, some look at the police as abusers of their trust and power, or some accuse the court systems or judges-- others blame the mega rich and the uber companies of keeping the "little people" down. The systems do not change, the detractors assuage.

    Little folks are bullied by bigger ones, in every station. Does the United States government and its military appear to be as such? Surely China clamps down on its population and hyper controls and abuses its powers over its population. Russia, anyone? Ugh. Talk about a miserable oppressor.

    We (the U.S.) are blamed for fighting "unnecessarily" in Vietnam, or more recently Iraq, or even Afghanistan. What has Russia done? The nations that the U.S. fought and administrated in are being lead by their people, or at least in the case of Kabul, the strongest force is in control, which represents some of its people. Moscow is a bully, as we have seen decade after decade; China is collectively as bad. North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Syria... Case after case of the people being cowed by their leaders and oppressive governments.

    George Orwell prophetically foresaw all this; but, he had histories of the past to know how things work with structures of humanity that have gone astray.

    The Holocaust of World War II. The Japanese in China, or Korea, the Chinese in Tibet, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the wanton warlords in Somalia, the mobs of killers in the Congo, or Rwanda, or any other upside nation of Africa, South America, Asia.

    If I were in a position of more power, I would try to influence more anti-bullying across the planet. Stick up for the disempowered, the weak, the oppressed, the victims of so many unending injustices...

    We want to be those leaders and those powers.

    But we come up short, and in allowing others their own sovereignty, like Afghanistan or Israel, or Libya or Haiti, we permit all the bad things to occur.

    Do you see the problems we face? What can we do about it?

    Vote, act, write, think, publicize, share, read, learn, analyze.

    Pray. We at times need to recuse ourselves and reserve ourselves, as pacifists, akin to Buddhists, and let things be. Is it apathy, indifference? Is it ignorance, or selfish having our own and not caring enough or risking enough to change the bullied status quo of others?

    We can only control, change, or influence so much. We obviously have to make sure our own beds are made, that our own homes are in order.

    Well, I have thought a bit, written a bit.

    What can be done now?

    Post. But it is 2024 now. Maybe later...

Friday, July 26, 2024

Love and Passion Cannot Be replaced by True Love and Commitment through Oath and Covenant

Love and Passion Cannot Be replaced by True Love and Commitment through Oath and Covenant

    Many books, stories, films, and scientific topics cover love, which covers all kinds of love: romantic, patriotic, filial, parental, community, nationalistic, idealistic, etcetera. Of all these narratives and cases, only the long term ...

    Begun July 29th. 

    God has a way, or ways, to have us children commit and lock in to being good, doing good, accomplishing good.

    I tried to express that Sunday (August 4, 2024), in Franklin, Massachusetts, to the Foxboro Ward.

    Sister Mullin has had it rough, but I testified that Jesus had her. Yes, I believe he does.

    I wanted to write more about promises, covenants, words and preaching that I have heard a lot of in Spanish the last few weeks.

    I took an oath recently to defend my people, my country, my beliefs. Yes, we need oaths and covenants. We need to be so committed to God and ourselves to overcome ourselves, to transcend the temporary impulses and perhaps especially the imperfect executions and attempts in life and work that most of us try to achieve hour by hour, day by day, year by year.

    We need bigger aims and goals and those covenants in order to accomplish the biggest things in all existence. Like energy and gravity. Huge laws and orders. We as humans have to plug in to bigger systems. We have to become part of a greater work.
    And that is God, more or less.

    Okay, maybe I stated what I was itching to express... At the end of last month.

    Spoke to a friend in recovery last night. It was good. Less interaction with my family, however.

    Trade offs.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can or Should Poetry Cry for Justice?

 Can or Should Poetry Cry for Justice?


    There is a lack of much justice in so much of the present world. How do we fight it? How can we approach it? How can we solve any problem? Be aware. Without knowledge of the injustices, there is ignorance and nothing to act on.

    China represses its people, 

    Supposedly for the better good.

    Next door is North Korea, 

    Where things are likely worse.

    Where else?

    Many other places, 

    Before we return to the streets and climes of our own lucky spheres-

    This bizarre neighbor of kowtowed China, but even more awful



    Forced labor

    Missiles and bombs instead of sustenance and nutrition

    Poetic, no?

    Dark, dismal arts

    Which art may and should evoke

    Like a Shakespearean play, a Miller drama, a Sheppard narrative

    A Samuel Beckett existentialist spectacle and a humbling nightmare

    The Sudanese rape and kill each other

    They like many do not see each other as one color on the map

    As we do

    As Somalia is three, not one

    And we, the greatest power in the world for eighty plus years,

    Target their "youth", known as the Shabab

    We hit them constantly and in droves

    As we have in other jihadi populated lands

    Mali and Burkina Faso - threats and violence

    Libya has calmed down from what I know

    I have not heard, nor read 

    But other parts of the Dark Continent, as perhaps us racists we say

    Have their poverty, upheaval, and ruin

    While others are doing well

    Perhaps better than ever

    For millions

    Not all hope is lost


    Is not hemorrhaging the millions like a few short years ago

    But thousands of other Latin American lands still flee and leave

    Not to mention the ongoing catastrophe of Haiti

    We have violence and crime across Mexico

    As much of the worst places of the United States, Canada, the Caribbean

    But we are not at war as Russia and Ukraine

    Or Azerbaijanis pushing the Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh

    Starving them, it seems

    So, madness and mayhem live on

    Injustice touched upon in this poem

    What else? There are civil rights, economic rights, sexual preference and identity rights

    All these plus privileges and luxuries

    While alas, the plight of Gaza and Israel,

    The West Bank and no state but the Eretz Israel

    Zionism is not always kind to anyone

    Such is the trajectory since Abraham, or before...

    Christians, Muslims, and Hindus and even Sinhalese Buddhists

    We cannot escape

    The injustices of our histories

    Trashing the planet, one polluted stream or river at a time

    Into our oceans and other places,

    Including the spaces of our atmospheres and space


    Even the universe cries for the injustice of our collective meddling

    So, yes, I say the poetry cries

    The birds and small creatures cry

    The larger beasts and creatures

    To include and encompass our forests and jungles,

    Our oceans and glaciers

    Our skies and very consciences, psyches

   ( I have forgotten the rubbish and vitriol and inhumanity of our alleged 


    Film, music, literature of trash and pornography.

    Yes, we should all cry for justice, for fairness, for opportunity,

    Freedom from want, from oppression, from pain and force of mind and spirit

    Freedom to choose and elect our own ways and peoples.

    Yes, we should cry, always, for justice.

    In poetry or no.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mega Cultures Consume and Dominate the Smaller Cultures

Mega Cultures Consume and Dominate the Smaller Cultures

    Most cultures are encapsulated in their languages. Languages are run by cultures big and small, but their numbers and influence depend greatly. The mega big cultures are the ones that overcome borders and push outward and beyond, overtaking others.

    This is certainly true of the British Empire and its English reach. France, Spain, Portugal have kept perpetuating across the globe. Russians have maintained great influence over culture and space, and China continues, while Japan and Korea battle. Others continue to strengthen and grow. Germany, Turkey, and of course the Arabs and those in India or Pakistan. I suppose Bangladesh and Indonesia are solid bases of culture, through their languages. As is Iran. Many smaller languages and their cultures exist still. While others strive mightily to survive.

    Native American tribes across the Western Hemisphere are struggling to maintain their histories and languages. Is this true of the Inuit and natives of Siberia or across Asia? The mega cultures of Russia and China perhaps diminish their presence, the smaller ethnic enclaves and tribes within their borders? Perhaps, but maybe not as much as the pervasive forces of the English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French of the rest of the world. 

    Is English and Hindi overtaking the other languages and cultures of India? Are some European cultures and languages squeezing out the smaller ones in that multi-cultural continent? What about Africa? Or the South Pacific?

    What are the smallest cultures battling to stay afloat, to maintain their languages and micro-cultures? Are they found among the plains of the United States, or in other disparate parts of the United States? How about into the Arctic regions of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland? Iceland has kept their language and culture pretty well guarded, from my estimation.

    What about the Faeroe Islands, or the Island of Mann? What of all these small, isolated islands with their own cultures? Are they able to maintain their own cultural sovereignties? 

    I would like to know and explore.

    Otherwise, the Uber cultures will continue to arise, and encroach, and subsume the others.

    How fast is this happening? Slower than climate change, perhaps?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I have Been a Republican Two Years Less than Donald Trump -- Sorry Usha, You've been Forced into a Tough One

I have Been a Republican Two Years Less than Donald Trump -- Sorry Usha, You have been Forced into a Tough One

    I think that JD is really smart and commendable at much success. I believe he loves his country, but he is not picking the right horses nor battles. I have listed a few so far.

    I think that deep down he, and especially Usha, is smarter than that.

    We can discuss, please.

    Oh, yes, and Donald Trump: stop insulting my intelligence and forcing me to distrust you to the core, bragging about wealth in one breathe and not revealing your taxes EVER in the next. Show me the money, sir. Or you will always be fired in my public servant book.

    I am more Republican than you. And, I did not get out of military service because of my bad feet.

    Also, you need to make amends for pillorying John McCain's heroic record and name. Still will never forget that atrocious slight.

Charlie Brown, then Sting, Thou Hast Brought Murphy's Pessimistic Law Upon Me! Fie Upon Thee

Charlie Brown, then Sting, Thou Hast Brought Murphy's Pessimistic Laws Upon Me! Fie Upon Thee ... or rather Me

    Who was the girl, the mean brunette, Lucy? Who would pull the football out from his foot and poor 'ole Charlie would go flying, foiled again. As always.

    The Police became huge, iconic, ubiquitous. Likely eponymous. Whatever that means. He, Sting, would sing, in later song refrains of his career: 

Do I have to tell the story
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me that ends up getting wet

    Yep, too often it is me, like Charlie Brown. But like him, and the frustrated character in the Police tune, while wet, we are unfettered by immobilization. We keep going. I maintain motion, momentum, some forward trajectory and inertia towards...

    The endline, the goal, the ultimate objective: living, surviving, and success.

    Charlie and me, and even Gordan Sumner. Or whatever his real name is.

Mom - A Poem

Mom - A Poem

I am not sure if we chose our mom

But we got her

I am not sure how much we think our mom should be like other women

But, she is unique

 She is ours

 There she is

I am not sure how much we are supposed to love our mom

We do as we can, we do as we live, and learn

As we moved from her womb out into the world

I am not sure what we are supposed to say when our mom leaves

I love you, I miss you, I think of you always

I know where my mom is from

Her home ground is familiar, in stories

Kind of 

I remember my mom talking about her youth

Her parents, her siblings, her home

There was my mom's mom

And the mothers before them

On and on into distant memories and gleams in our eyes

We think of them in different states, provinces,

Countries, homelands

Their graves are marked, or maybe not

There they are

Deep in our earth and back through time and in our souls

Our mothers.

I am sure that I will see my mom again

I will see her always 


On and on


We will see mom in photographs

Feel her in memories

Touch her in lapsed moments

Picture her smile and laugh

Taste her foods and savor her recipes

Remember her in songs and melodies

Rehash her calls and mailed postage letters in the birds' tweets 

and flutters

Savor the impact of the cards and holiday wishes

With loving strokes, she wrote the words and thoughts

Over years and decades

As you, the child, grew up and away

She loved you then and now

And always

She sends these missives still

From stars and heavens

And all places serene

Oceans and streams

Rains and winds

There is your mom.

She lies at rest

But ever unrestful

She sends you love and her energy

Her warmth and her nurture

We praise and remember

We lift her up in our dreams and hopes

From infancy till now

The sound rings on:


The thought, the essence

The love, the sacrifice

She gave us ours

She brought us here; we look back fondly

We see her all around

She was here, she was there!

I could say nothing more 

Or continue for pages

Some books about her

In thousands of words or phrases

She is not contained

She is not burdened by us

Or by God

She is free

Mother is free

She is with you -- and me

She is lovely

She is divine

She is home now

Smiling with the one who brought her

Mom is with all of hers there!



We love you

We miss you

We think of you constantly

You give us hope

You gave us of you

You gave all of it

And we will come around again

Till we meet that next great morning

In Jesus name we pray

By power and grace

Embraced and held

In your arms

Once again.

Monday, July 22, 2024

I am betting Luis Arraez will hit .373...

 I am betting Luis Arraez will hit .373...

     He needs to get going, stronger and stronger as the season goes on, and finishes. As I hope that the San Diego Padres

Luis Arraez will hit better... Or not

 Luis Arraez will hit better... Or not

    My friend and I are betting on what Luis Arraez will hit by the end of the season. I think that we both thought that he was hitting a bit better than .310. So, I proposed a bet (the winner gets a drink of his choice); he, a big Minnesota Twins fans where Arraez used to play, said .368. I was thinking higher or lower, and I want him to do better, even hit .400 for the first time since Ted Williams in 1940.

    I want him to rake and hit the lights out. Plus, I root for his current team, the thus far mediocre Padres. He does not walk as much as Soto or Harper, he only has 17 bases on balls so far this season, out of 406 At-bats this year in 96 games. His OBP is: .345. Not that great. He wants to hit. I guess he needs to be more selective to really be an elite hitter with a chance to hit fifty, sixty, or more points higher. He has to have better selection like Ichiro Suzuki, or even Frank Thomas.

    He does not need power. Just hit like Tony Gwynn. Not that hard, right?

    I will be keeping track. Meanwhile, you got these rakers...
