Monday, July 4, 2022

Racially Based Identities - Anything Like Religious-Based Ones?

Racially Based Identities - Anything Like Religious-Based Ones?

    Being in the United States, among the majority racial group of white, or Anglo-Saxon, a person of the dominant racial group may be the least trusted when discussing racial issues and identities. People in power are used to having their voice being accepted and revered, or taken as the truth, right? If the source were of a minority, such as Hispanic, or Black, or Asian, or native American, or anything other than white, (or White), perhaps then, some will accept the validity of the source.

    Really? It depends on the color of the skin, or the ethnic culture of the source to be believed? No matter how cogent or insightful the argument?

    Well, I think that questioning the source based on their ethnic identity is at least one thing that is very negative, and that is called:


Racism happens in different forms, but when considering choices and arguments on what to believe or have confidence in based on the skin color, race, ethnic identity of the source of the reasoning is simply that. Racist.

Don't do it.

Let's be better. If you are right, or wrong, it is not based on your genes.

Our minds and hearts are better than this.

Martin Luther King is right.

What about religion? Hmmmm... another topic to discuss. 


  1. My ad was removed. Not sure why.

  2. I see ads today. Funny thing, this type of capitalism. Lunya. That is a clothing brand?
