Saturday, May 28, 2022

Worst Robbers and Stealers of All Time

Worst Robbers and Stealers of All Time

    Stealing is wrong. We all know that taking something that does not belong to them is wrong. Stealing, when not directly taken by force from the victims or owners of the property, is called theft. Robbery is when there is a confrontation by force and demonstrated through a violent threat, such as a mugging, an armed bank robbery, some type of coerced force and threat, that can end in injury or death.

    Murder is perhaps the ultimate robbery, and there are too many murderers. They take away lives that do not belong to them. 

    This is subjective, obviously, coming from an American in the 21st century. How many people, after all, can be attributed to being killed in the name of one person?

It can happen:

1. Joseph Stalin
2. Mao Zedong
3. Adolph Hitler
4. Pol Pot

Some could add others, more Westerners.

Napoleon Bonaparte.
Christopher Colombus

    Some might throw in some U.S. presidents. From 1960 to 1975, our elected Commanders in Chief where responsible for the death of at least one million Vietnamese.

    Harry Truman dropped the bombs on the Japanese, after Franklin Roosevelt started the island hopping to a devastating effect to counter-attack the Japanese Hirohito and Tojo, who reeked havoc on Korea and China, and elsewhere.

    Lincoln is blamed by many for the million or so deaths from the U.S. Civil War. Other millions won their emancipation through this perilous time. 

    Some Popes of the Roman Empire are blamed for the deaths and murders of many.

    Roman Caesars had their times. Murder, or war, or conquest. Will we ever know how many were slain? Those subjugated and eliminated?

    There are more cruel despots in the history of poor planet than it is possible to list, I think.

    Perhaps Joshua of the Bible could be listed as one having committed genocide. How many Canaanites died by the Israelites? 

Anyway, we try to live by the 10 commandments, including:

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not steal.

We let these commandments be broken way too much.

And one more note: Donald, why would you brag about getting away with murder?

Why join a list of such life robbers? We all have to do our duties as law enforcement and militaries, and we sometimes end others' lives.

Why would anyone be proud of such acts?

Preserving lives is where it is at.

Not stealing.


Restoring what has been taken. Restitution.

How to sustain life, not steal and take it.

Those who steal and rob money and materials can also lead to death. Which can then go into politics and economics.

Who is helping people stay alive?

Who is not murdering others?

Think through how you act, vote, speak.

Are we murdering each other by not doing the right thing?

Is being eco-unfriendly killing off the planet, the ecosystem, and each other?

How do we kill? There are many different ways, and this can be both theft and robbery.

I think all of us break these commandments. Especially if animals have souls, as us carnivores know.

We are all thieves of others, almost all of us. Except some amazing aesthetes. Perhaps the Jains.

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