Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Lingering Questions about Floyd and Chauvin

Lingering Questions about Floyd and Chauvin

I think too many people make assumptions about the tragic case without really answering some logical thinking and questions leading up to Chauvin's negligent murderous act.

I have not researched some of these questions thoroughly, so please inform me if you know the answers better.

1. Did Derek Chauvin have a history of racist or hateful acts? I know that there were 17 or so complaints about him as a law enforcement officer, but did he have a known history of racist views and acts?

2. Did Floyd purposely purchase the cigarettes with a fake twenty-dollar bill? I know, a relatively small offense. But the clerk did the right thing in calling the police, right?

3. Did Floyd put his own life at risk by illegally purchasing and consuming fentanyl and methamphetamine? 

4. Did the drug seller in this case have any culpability in the aftermath of what happened?

5. Would Chauvin have done the same knee pose and constriction of breathing on a person of another color?

Breaking the law in non-violent ways does not deserve death, of course. However, I question the overall case in ways that I think many people write off.

Resisting arrest and provoking law enforcement is a dangerous endeavor, no matter what race we are. Breaking the law and illicit drug use are also dangerous.

Floyd should not have died the way that he did.

I am not convinced that his death was racist. Nor am I convinced that Floyd was innocent from his own demise. He contributed to it. As well as the person who sold him powerful drugs that impaired him, leading to his death.

Very unfortunate, Chauvin killed him, in the end.

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