Saturday, June 22, 2024

Was He The Say Hey Kid? Willie Mays Passes

 Was He The Say Hey Kid? Willie Mays Passes

    He played long (relatively) before my time, but I always heard of his greatness on the field. I came to believe, perhaps as a teenager in the 1980s, or later as a young adult in the 1990s, that he probably was the best player of all time. Better than Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, or any of the more recent greatest players in the more modern era.

    Willie had all the tools and was the best. I thought, and I still think.


    Way to go, Willie. Thanks for being great. Or the greatest. 

    Whatever he was in the scheme of baseball, the United States, and world history, he was great.

    We appreciate and honor a life well lived, and the contributions to the game that have pushed us along in life.

    Say, hey.

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