Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Places That Need to be Fixed

 Places That Need to be Fixed

1. Israel and Palestine.  Generations have seen it devolve and spiral down into an existential morass. In the early 2000s, and even later, I tried to get into the U.S. State Department to work on this. They did not take me. Perhaps I would have been another cipher in this complete conundrum, since October 2023 fallen into a wicked state of violence, privation, and starvation.

    Deplorable, so avoidable.

2. Ukraine and Russia. Russia has been a despotic empire for centuries. They will be eaten up from within. Too much draconian oppression, they will be crushed, as they reap what they sow.

3. South Sudan. Yikes. Why all the tribal hatred? Political infighting, literal hostility and killing of innocents.

4. Yemen. Too many Hizballah-backed Houthis.

5. Syria. Still craziness among the Bashar Al-Assad government and the rest, including Islamic State.

6. New Caledonia? Natives are restless against France.

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