Sunday, June 23, 2024

Non Heterosexual Practices and Organized Religions, in 2024

Non Heterosexual Practices and Organized Religions, 2024

    In the United States and the Western world there is a bigger than ever movement of people who are accepting and engaging in non-traditional practices of sexual behavior, marriage and human relations in homosexual and other LGBTQ+ identities and mind sets. Traditional religions have their influences and impacts, methods and ways of dealing or handling non-traditional (male and female) relationships and lifestyles, both in physical and social ways.

    Which religions are most compatible and least resistant to LGBT+ ways?

    Perhaps Buddhist philosophies are compatible? I had a Buddhist group leader who was lesbian. Makes sense, perhaps Theravada versus Mahayana versus Tibetan is different when it comes to same sex or transgender statuses.

    What about Hinduism?

    Some Christian, and Jewish sects and strains are more open to Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Plus all the other alternative sexual orientations and identities. Many are not.

    Islam? Not so much.

    Sikhs? Not sure. Shintoism? Daoism? Not sure.

    Animist and nativistic traditions? I don't know.

    What do you think?

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