Thursday, June 27, 2024

Struggle and Fight for Wealth

 Struggle and Fight for Wealth

    Most of us put in concentrated effort, time, and work to become a functional part of the greater economy, which in turn helps us as individuals to survive or thrive in the world, where we pay for ourselves and others, which includes the taxes that we submit for the governments we live under and the benefit of all. In the world of economics all goods and services have a value; most of us are a part of it, in the big and the small.

    Disparities abound; over the centuries many have claimed that this wrong and unfair method or system of letting some to live in abject or close to desperate poverty while many are amazingly rich and powerful, and in the U.S. case most somewhere in between. The middle classes.

    We all work, some less than others. We are not remunerated the same. Some people have great ancestors and inheritance. Others have amazing talent or some luck and access and achieve high levels of pay. Some work hard, long, and smart. Many accomplish their life's goals of earning their wealth during or for preparation for retirement. Some never make it, dying prematurely.

    Each government, each culture, each community, corporation and business, we all struggle and fight to create the ways of living that we would like to attain.

    Economists, or at least many of them, like to claim to know how to fix things, or make them functional for more gain and prosperity. Politicians too. Pundits, some journalists or historians.

    Karl Marx swayed a lot of people. So has Milton Friedman. 

    What are the best ways?

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