Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Taking Stock, Counting Blessings

 Taking Stock, Counting Blessings

    Sometimes in life we can review things and focus on the negative. Personally, or even globally, things can seem too hard or pessimistic. This is a bit of my plight lately. And yet, there is so much to be thankful for. So much! I must evaluate and re-evaluate, and see and sense all the good. There are many, many things to appreciate and love.

    I have failed a few things lately, and I wake up thinking about those things. However, overall, I am winning. I have winning hopes and aspirations. Many of my dreams are coming together. Despite the negatives.

    What are the negatives? As a member of the military, I have not promoted as I and others have wanted. This translates in immediate lesser pay, but also reduced duties and respect and authority. This is a thing that wears on me over the years...

    But, the glasses are more than half full.

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