Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bible and Scripture Misunderstanding Leads to Support of Government of Israel in Modern Day

 Bible and Scripture Misunderstanding Leads to Support of Government of Israel in Modern Day

    There are at least one hundred different Christian theologies, ideologies, doctrines, and/or interpretations of the Holy Bible. There are actually more like millions, because as each of us believers have our own ways and thoughts of what things are meaning and how to apply them within the sayings, prophecies, narratives, principles, and doctrines of the Holy Bible, we each have our own understandings and interpretations of what the words and concepts mean.

    Take the word and name and understanding of Israel, for example.

    The meaning of it in Hebrew is "God prevails", from what I have learned.

    I think is safe to say that most of us can agree on that meaning.

    However, what is Israel in 2024? 

    There is the nation state of Israel, which is currently entrenched in a brutal war in the Gaza Strip, which also has resulted in the deaths of more than five hundred Palestinians in the West Bank. Some evangelical Christians and Eretz Israel (all Jewish Holy Land advocates) refer to the sides of the places in the main Holy Land as the Biblical names, Judea and Samaria. There is no Israel proper, as named and designated in 1947 by the United Nations. The original Jewish, or Tribe of Judah area is what is interpreted by Israel being named throughout the Bible, both in the past and into the current future. Now, and what will transpire in the next years, which is prophesied or documented within the verses and chapters of the Torah, or Jewish holy scripture, and the Christian Bible, which includes the New Testament, which is mostly anathema to most things of Judaism.

    Yet, evangelical Christians, of many various sects and denominations, ardently support and claim that the modern state of Israel is the Biblical fulfillment of what the Bible, in particular the book of Revelations or Apocalypses, predicts or foreshadows will happen in the Last Days or End Times, in the time of the Advent of Jesus Christ for the second time. 

    My way of understanding is that there are Twelve Tribes of Israel, one of them being Judah, and the others all have their promises and blessings as well. Ephraim and Manasseh, which are millions of us, if not billions, are highly favored and chosen groups of people of God, as much of the covenant of the Lord and his plans as those of Judah. Most Christians have no idea about the identity and purpose of all the tribes of Israel.

    Judah has its place, but the country of Israel, as currently constituted, is not necessarily the religious and spiritual embodiment of what is promised to Judah and Israel, as according to the Torah (which admittedly I know less about), and the Christian Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.

    Incidentally, the Roman Catholics, which may be a billion or more adherents, also include the Apocrypha in the Bible, which is the time between the Old and New Testaments. Many other Christians believe that those are historical documents with little or no religious, spiritual, or doctrinal value.

    Hopefully this makes sense to many of us...

   There is little consensus as to how Israel really functions today, as an interpretation of the Bible or not.

    Many of us, or even all of us, have it wrong. Who is right?

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