Monday, February 17, 2025

Elon Musk - A Human Profligatory, Solvent and Soluble

Elon Musk - A Human Profligatory, Solvent and Soluble

    Making I am just making up words. Today at church I said "soluble" when I meant to say "solvent." Then I learned more about their relationship to each other, which is good to know.

    How to describe this Elon Musk, who is impacting so many American, and by default, millions of lives around the world so far, this past month? 

    Most of us are not in the top 1 percent of the world's wealthiest people. I believe that Elon is number one. Over 450 billion? We live in an age of new wealth, for sure. There is the cryptocurrencies, making some people wealthier than never before. And other innovative technologies, including all our social media, telecommunications, rare earth elements necessitated by new machines and devices, green movements to save our environments and planet, and on. Art and artistic clothes and boujee foods and other esoterica create their own economies. Skin care and other health items. Aphrodisiacs. Other enhancers. Not to mention illicit drugs. 

    Back to Musk. Worth, perhaps, 419 to 459 billion dollars. I did some calculations of the Americans in every net worth bracket, bottom twenty percent to the top ten. By the math I calculated, just Elon's amount of accrued wealth in 2025 is worth between 15-25 million Americans' collective wealth, which means approximately the bottom U.S. 10 to 15 percent of the population.

    I figured this on the median net worth of the poorest bracket of Americans in 2022, which was about 14,000 dollars. That means the person in the middle of the lowest twenty percent is only worth 14,000 bucks. They would be dependents on the state, invalids, homeless, perhaps extremely old or young people. The median came out to about 30 million citizens possessing as much wealth as Musk, but that means that half had more money, so I rounded down. 30 million would be almost the population of Texas. 15 million would be more like an overpopulated Illinois. Either way, 15 or 30 million poor Americans, that is a lot of people. Elon has as much purchasing power, perhaps as many as 15 million of our poorest.

    Some say: tax him more and help the poorest. Things do not always work so smoothly that way, but our governments are set up to provide aid and structure for the poorest, and even a lot of us in the middle and the top benefit hugely from all the contributions, of even the "little people". Protection, services, infrastructure, entertainment. Labor. Expertise. Innovation. Billionaires and millionaires need the masses to buy up their products. Be it the newspapers that bought up the Zip2 that originally made Musk and his partners successful, because the papers were bought and used by the rest of us, the millions, even the street urchins who used those paper rags to warm themselves in the alleys and deserted beaches of the nation, from sea to shining sea.

    The American dream and manifest destiny are alive well in 2025, and Elon is becoming, maybe, the man of the year again.

    While he is leading to the firing and early dismissal of thousands of government workers. Some were cashing in their life goals on these jobs and careers.

    How many Luigi Mangiones might be gunning for Sir Musk now? I am not threatening him, but I am saying that many people, more so than Mark Zuckerburg, who is pretty wimpy anyway, or nothing to him, would be willing to go some boxing or MMA rounds with this South African-Canadian-naturalized American multi-mega billionaire, father of thirteen (we think) and husband of at least five women, and counting.

    SpaceEx, Tesla, all these futuristic ventures and feats, the future of the world and the present with cutting out "unnecessary workers and divisions", that he is positive that are redundant or wasteful. Education, will be subsumed into the Department of Interior, no State. Energy jobs in the nuclear sector will be tracked by some else. USAID helping the foreigners? Let the Chinese and Russians, and maybe Iran Hizballah pick up the slack there. Those unwashed billions of people, who needs them? Cambodia? Let it be a Chinese colony and proxy.

    Hopefully my sarcasm and conjecture is not all that true. Perhaps Musk has all the silver and golden bullets?

    Maybe. He did a number on X, former Twitter, that seemed to sock it.

    I don't know.

    Blog it on.

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