Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Economics: The Powers that Rule Us

 Economics: The Powers that Rule Us

    Like gravity and invisible but real energies and powers in the universe that control or greatly influence how we live, behave, survive, sometimes suffer and sometimes thrive, the powers of money and economics push and pull us across our globe, into the seas and skies, and even further outside the heavens into the void of space and on into planets, asteroid belts, and eventually to the starts.

    Voyager is way out there; I am not sure how close to the next star, yet, but our earthly human money and resources has shot it out that far from our planetary orb.

    When we launched it back in the 1970s, there were people dying of starvation, wars, diseases, and other avoidable catastrophic fates. But, we allocate and parse out our profits and expenses how we do.

    Those with it, the wealth, make decisions, often over life and death.

    Thus is our dismal science, economics.

    I wrote those words, above, last night.

    How do people wield all the billions, like most of us work or fail with only thousands, or less?

    It takes experience and wealth to begin with.

    I just got through the part of Trump's book (via Schwarz) where he builds the Trump Casino in Atlantic City.

    The art of the deal.

    We all try to regulate the prices and costs and efforts and labors of all of us.

    It is an art, some or many would argue.

    Some have one talent, others, two, and still others five.

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