Sunday, May 19, 2024

Thoughts and Positions on Anti-Israeli Protestors

 Thoughts and Positions on Anti-Israeli Protestors

    I have many.

    1). Letting children or any people get sick, suffer, and die of starvation is always wrong. No exceptions. Some Israeli leaders should have very heavy consciences and shame and horror on their heads. I understand why people wish to display their outrage and disproval through open protest. We do not let other humans DIE and starve. Unless we are monsters. We feed the most needy and desperate.

    2). Some Gazan, West Bank, and Hamas leaders share a lot of the blame for the current fiasco, for the suffering and deaths of their own and many Israelis.

    3). U.S. protestors, most of whom are present on college campuses, are not all performative, as a person told me recently (I did not exactly accept nor correct their statement), but many of these people are informed and understand the injustices occurring in Palestine and Israel.

    4). In calls for divestment from Israel and its military, I personally believe that this is not necessary, but what needs to changed is the method and tactics that the Israeli Defense Forces are wiping out too many innocent Gazans and Palestinians. It is too heavy handed. Too cruel. I do not care how depraved the October 7, 2023 attack was, the retaliation should not kill, maim, and STARVE out anyone.

    5). Being anti-Zionist is not being antisemitic. We can discuss those differences, but not right now.

    6). The settlements of Israel and Zionists (not always the same) in Palestinian territories should stop, but unfortunately this process has been going on for decades, and has no signs of stopping. This ongoing appropriation of Palestinian Arab land is fomenting the hatred, animosity, and in the end violence between the peoples and the would-be states.

    7). There should be two states, as has been attempted over the years. We should not let the extremists on either side win. Moderation and sharing the Holy Land is the answer. Both sides deserve the right to live in peace and prosperity.

    8). Some U.S. Bible believers, millions of Christians, point to interpretations in the Bible as to what is happening, and that it is a fait accompli that such dire happenings are resulting and will continue to occur. I disagree. Many of us could change the scripts and the narratives of the current and future disasters there.

    9). The U.S. State Department and military, our represented officials, have failed these peoples a lot over time, and should do better. I wanted to be part of this process over the decades, but their hiring system shut me out. I tried a bit in my ways, but other people and processes have excluded me.

    10). The whole world can do better, including the United Nations. Muslims, Christians, Jewish, and others can do so much better. Praying, writing, and advocating for that day.

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