Monday, May 13, 2024

The Guy Who Hates Religion

 The Guy Who Hates Religion

    I meet a lot of people at my work. I find most of them nice, or pleasant, or I find redeeming qualities in them. Lately there is a guy that I got to know over the last few months, since last fall, that has not sit with me well. He has bothered me the last few times. But, it has something to do with me, and it is not all him. These things happen.

    He is from a country where the religion could be called oppressive. And it is, for sure. So, there is that. But, he very American now. He does not go back to that country, or if he does, he stays clear from the government and religious authorities. He works in and for the United States. He is given the right to hate religions, and say so adamantly. We live and die to express ourselves freely here, with few extreme consequences for those who vociferously claim such things.

    I find him a dolt, but he has a right to be one. And, many people consider me doltish, I know.

    He comes from a place where religion has been exploited, abused and abusive, and now he lives in a place where he can be apart from it.

    So be it.

    I will try to keep this short. Some people accuse me of being long winded.

    I will try to like, or at least respect, and tolerate him. Try to be friends and friendly.

    He is free to feel negative against anything he wants. But he has it wrong about all religions, as he claims to hate.

    Not all are as bad as he claims. He also called out an imperfection on my face. I found a few with his head, but I did not say this out loud. Only here.

    Petty, pettiness. Not worth it.

    Will pray and think and act more positively.



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