Friday, May 17, 2024

Blogito, Ergo Sum, Blogitamamus

 Blogito, Ergo Sum, Blogitamamus

    Some of us can spend most of a week in front of a computer, the 
screens and screens, and then we resort to this laptop.


    Here I am, as described. 

    In my excuse, or as a caveat, I have been without my personal laptop for over a month because of technical difficulties. I retrieved it yesterday after spending some pretty pennies.

    First, the SSD or some nonsense, perfunctory, not far away, for 150 dollars. No fix. That, in April.

    I followed up with the Lenovo folks in Herndon, and got a warranty to save money, which pushed me to yesterday, because of a month's wait. For said warranty. I paid for a year. That should be enough, yes, with another 12 months after all those fixes, by a man from Persia and another from Central Asia?

    Makes sense.

    We live in great country, where I watch old movies with Paul Newman and before him Joan Crawford and Clark Gable and Robert Young, of Father Knows Best.

    Father Knows Best. Going back to over ten years, as a series, when my father became a father. In the time of President Eisenhower, who my mom's family is related to.

    Do we see the connections?

    Shak is half Uzbek, half Tajik, and understands a lot of Turkish.

    It all comes together!

    Things to do, journal entries to write, parties to attend, drills to attend and perform in.

    There. The screen time is all worth it.





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