Sunday, May 19, 2024

Immersing Oneself in Another Culture

 Immersing Oneself in Another Culture

    I have lived in another culture quite immersed a few times (three), but each time I maintained my own cultural bubbles, and in the end I was not fully, fully immersed, or engrossed, or chilenized.

    For me it was Chile. We grow up in our respective places, be it India or China, Russia or Brazil, the U.S. or U.K, and we grow accustomed to those places and cultures.

    How much are we invested?

    Some can be some place for weeks, months, years, and only be invested or immersed like 10 or twenty percent.

    Some go deeper. I don't think it is possible to go one hundred percent enmeshed in another culture after so much time from another, but some can come close.

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