Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Hey, White Americans! Stop Assisting the Deaths of People of Color!

Hey, White Americans! Stop Assisting in the Deaths and Victimization of People of Color! Updated 2020, Pandemic Time

In the proud and tragic history of the United States (we count it since around 1775), white people here in the continent and abroad have accounted for directly killing or indirectly assisting in the death of many peoples of color. It has not been a one way street, certainly, but "white people" have had most of the power and control for 245 years, admittedly. That control too often has led to awful and sad numbers of deaths and victimization of blacks, browns, Native Americans, Asians, and others. And generally, more people of color have died at the hands of white men, mostly. We also acknowledge that black on black violence is too much, since at least 1960. Maybe before? Whites killing non-whites has to end as much as we can influence those trends. I would like to identify that there is a new way that certain whites are achieving this act of death for the non-white in the summer of 2020. I do not think that they (these accused white people) mean to achieve this, but this is what is happening night after night, week after week this summer of '20. Allow me to explain.

Street protests and attacks on federal facilities are killing and abetting the deaths of non-whites. How, you ask? The street protests have brought the contagion of COVID-19 to more homes of people of color. This activity could be blamed on the outrage of police brutality, I understand, but people of color are disproportionately affected by the virus, and hence the gatherings of people close together is undoubtedly spreading more sickness and death among everyone, but it is worse among blacks and browns than white populations. Is this reasonable to argue? Police killing an innocent arrestee resistor is unconscionable, but when it leads to more deaths of innocents and the weak due to those who are protesting over those acts and trends... Justified? Meanwhile, criminals of all races are killing people of all races every day.

Which leads to the protests and attacks on federal facilities, or local police structures causing increased deaths and strife for peoples of color. How is this harming them? Believe it or not, our law enforcement brothers and sisters have limited time, money, and resources to "police", which is much more than following traffic violators and domestic disturbances. Police are called upon to search down leads that have been developed over time, including thousands of detectives that are searching down long term criminals, killers, rapists, robbers, burglars, to include the "white collar" crimes. 

Not easy. Made harder when a bunch of protestors-gone-rioters, many resorting to looting and outright violence, especially in the late hours of the night, when most regular crimes are committed, are directly and indirectly attacking government buildings and facilities. Be it graffiti and "light" vandalism, or assaults with projectiles or fire bombs, these street groups are using up our police resources in personnel, hours billed, injuries on duty, and taking away from the cases and crimes that are being committed in other parts of the precincts. People of color in the immediate moment and on long term criminal cases are being ignored, and the innocents go on being violated and not getting justice.

Have you ever seen a fighter distract his opponent with one hand while he pummels him with the other? Does this make sense? This is a simple analogy, but I believe it is understandable, clear, and applies to some of the protests occurring in Portland, Seattle, and perhaps other large cities in the country where Homeland Security officers and security are paid, ordered to protect those assets, to include human lives. Police officers and their buildings should not be under attack. They are protecting us and saving our lives, short and long term! If you do not like them or their practices, vote accordingly and peacefully protest during waking hours, do what your conscious dictates to change the situation and the systems in place. More power to you, act and vote your mind.

I know we all want justice; we can debate through words, social media and the press, and the democratic process how things can be fixed and modified, and how to fund law enforcement, and who should handle mental patients and what other social vehicles can handle the poor and suffering in our society, but it makes me mad and frustrated when white people, of all that do this, are distracting and threatening our law enforcement (police and security who are of all races and creeds), while the kids and the innocents in the most impoverished neighborhoods are wrapped up in body bags, every weekend, every month, every year. Why do we not know the names of the little ones killed? Why do we not demand justice for them? I think that we of all colors do not really care enough about them...

Is there an end in sight? White people? Get your priorities straight and do not threaten and attack the very professional people doing their best, under high stress and at risk to their own lives, to protect the neediest and most at risk among us.

White people? You are really prone to killing and letting people of color die. You have found a new way to do so this summer of 2020, or perhaps multiple new ways due to a deadly virus pandemic.

Let's stop at least this aspect of it this summer and into the future.

Black lives most certainly do matter. Every single one of them, not just the ones who resisted arrest and when things went the wrong way. The latter is bad, horrible, obviously, but there is a bigger picture. 

Do not attack and accost the police, threatening them and their tools and facilities, distracting them from protecting the rest of us, bring justice to the most guilty. Do the right thing and stop criminality in every place where it takes place. Save the innocents of endless crimes, detrimental to people of all colors, but disproportionately to blacks and browns. Help the police end the killings. White people, you can greatly help. Do not abuse and misuse your racial privilege to further hurt the others less privileged than you.

This summer (2020) has taken too many lives tragically, for reasons of violence and incautious recklessness beyond the normal reasons of death. Let us not perpetuate and instigate these errors now and into the future. White people and people of all races in the United States, we can make a difference for the better. Let us all save lives instead of taking them. Let us seek and find justice for all.