Thursday, April 16, 2020

Author! Authors... Part 2

Author! Authors... Part 2

     I started up a new post because cutting and pasting most anything is cumbersome and complicated. And in the first part of this post I thought it was apropos to include the poem that my daughter had shared because of her liking for it, and it being the source for perhaps two famous books, one by Chinua Achebe, and the other by the one that she named...

I asked her to share a list of her favorite poems and poets; we are under the same roof for the next while so I think that should happen.

My list of authors, writers that I listed included, in no real order:

Isabel Allende
John Steinbeck
Chaim Potok
Goerge Orwell
John Grisham
Paul Theroux
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
James Alexander Thom
Jeff Shaara
Stephen Ambrose
James Michener
Arthur C. Clarke

There are others, of course, and many semi-favorites or cherished authors that I will not enumerate here.

But a few others:

C.S. Lewis
J.R.R. Tolkien
Herman Melville
Pearl Buck
James Clavell
Henrik Ibsen
Franz Kafka
Mario Vargas Llosa
Richard Russo
Frank Herbert
Jack London
Paolo Coelho
Harold Bloom would kill me if  I did not list the Bard, William Shakespeare
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

And a couple of authors that I am addicted to, which is since 2012:

Michael Connelly
Lee Child

And not lastly, but notably, I must throw in George Lucas and probably Gene Roddenberry.

And... why not Doctor Seuss, Charles Schultz, Rudyard Kipling, and few other early impacting authors, like Anne McAffrey, Ursula LeGuin, and James Fenimore Cooper?

Okay, that will do for now. Quite a hodge podge, I know.

These are the narrators and raconteurs of our dreams, at lest many of my waking ones.

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