Friday, June 9, 2023

Remembering the Lost Ones: and Remembering not to join them

    Remembering the Lost Ones and Remembering not to Join Them

    The older we get the more people that we know personally that have lived and died; we also know more people that have taken their own lives. Sad but true.

    Since December of last year, 2022, I have discussed my colleague and friend Nicholas, who died in that sad fashion that we know and often times plagues us, that of suicide. Every time it happens to someone that I know it triggers a lot of emotions, memories, and thoughts. A lot of people have put a lot of time and effort into campaigns and messages to counter the phenomenon and awful acts of people harming themselves, ultimately resulting in early graves, lives cut short. The rest of us are left to question, ruminate, and stave off similar feelings of apathy, depression, guilt, or hopelessness.

    I just remembered recently that a co-worker from a group died by suicide around 2015. I did not know him well. When I learned of his death back then I thought about some of the interactions that I had with him prior to his passing, which were few. I could picture him walking outside after a brief interchange where I tried to get to know him a little and show some outreach, for lack of a better word. That is how I try to be with people that I work with and that I am associated with. I have held an ecclesiastical position of the priesthood for most or all the years of my life since I was twelve years old. I am commanded by my ultimate Master and His priesthood leaders and disciples to be kind, friendly, and look out for others. My parents and many people of the community, priesthood, church principles or no, have urged the same thing. Be good. Be social. Be a friend.

    Another former friend died by suicide. His name was Ben. I believe that he was alone and felt down. Others after his death regretted that they did not know that he was so close by. I was not far away either, and I wish that I had known of his proximity.

    It can be hard to reach them all. We cannot, I know this. Some people do not want to be "reached". 


  1. I meant to write some more, and ruminate and reflect on others like Robert (Bobby), Rob N., and maybe a few others. Did it happen to Jeremy? A guy from work that I barely knew, Ray R.? It happens too much, and we have to strive to avoid it.

  2. I accidentally published as is. Or maybe a buddy accidentally did it? I meant to mention that a picture of the young Lieutenant and his mother was posted in the armory for a few years. Then things moved on, it went away, and then the memory dissipated too, till recently my memory was jogged.
