My Empire of Everything - Poem on the Saturday Morn
It was Saturdays like this, when I awoke or gravitated to the computer
In Virginia, in Arizona, later in other places
I did so in California, with no direct television to hamper
The thoughts and verses, poetic but more prosaic
Waxing on the Empires of my life and soul
I lay and lie in my bunk, a poor man, yet rich many times over
Surrounded by others and their wealths and growing empires
I the eldest, I feel the most blessed
Ranging in fields and cities, blocks and stores
Of the state capital, my native home state
Close but far from the cradle from which I hail
Some say I am obsessed, possessed, overly emphatic of the things
Indiana - a part of my empire
Now I have been paid to be here again
Not to go to the land of hazard pay now, 11 years after,
But to return to my family and the peaceful burbs of the
Greater Capital
The world knows it after the nomenclature of our first great general
towns an streets and a state named for him
I have family and empire in the far state, too
My boys will go there after the Uintahs of the Rockies,
Where Teddy Roosevelt used to roam...
I do not shoot, I do not game, I do not skin captured animals of prey.
I capture and skin others things.
I undress the mind, the thoughts, the memories of time and
All the empires.
Michener shows me the Cape of Good Hope and its entrails
Songs and artists and comedians, officers and teachers share with me
Their pieces and portions of their kingdoms and realms
All my empire, my world and worlds.
Yes, on bright and sunny Saturday mornings such as this,
I wax and wane on the state of the states,
I fail an Arabic test once again, in a different place
Down the hall where hometown heroes and guardians of the state,
My state, my initial empire
Are posthumously revered in pictures and tributes
Some non-combat deaths, most due to hostile acts of our enemies
Of shares and overlapping empires.
We share the beaches, the seas, the icebergs and their rivers of glacial ice and snow
The whales and dolphins cavorting and traipsing,
Like otters I have witnessed on the other side of the continent
This my empire
The Internet, my devices, on which I write, peruse, share
Extend my knowledge and awareness of the empires galore
The ever-reaching universe of ideas and powers.
Annie Dilllard does this, did this.
My daughter, now lettered, if you will, absorbs it too
Thankfully, happily
This all of our empire
The outdoors and indoors
The treed forests
The creeks, the glades, the hills
Talking to my sheriff deputy of Virginia just now,
A man with whom I have shared some troop time
Looking at the streets and boroughs, even, at least one
Trailer park
Keeping the peace
These are my empires
California Gold
Missouri ranges
Virginia rivers
Florida beaches, and why not South Carolina and Mexico?
The Middle East, the centers of Asia,
Moving down to Cape Horn
An icy island in the North Atlantic
All that and more,
Even some Texas.
Thank you Michener, thank you Dillard,
Thank you Lucas,
For the Shadows and Valleys
of our incredible Empire
Unending, everchanging
And always the same.