Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Heart Divided; it is the Brain We Have

The Heart Divided; it is the Brain We Have

Each person has their self interests, as ascribed. Some publicly put God as their main interest to serve. That makes sense to many. To others, that makes little sense, because God or gods are very mysterious and even fickle, which is not very Godly. Why would anyone care to please or serve a capricious being? Or worse, one that is not really there, and if is there, after all, does not seem to do a very good job?

I understand those arguments.

Each of us have our own interests; many of those interests are less selfish than others. I find that parents are generally pretty good at putting the needs of their children ahead of their own. Although, that is always debatable, too.

A lot of mothers are better at it than dads, and some dads are a lot better at being unselfish than other dads. Being selfless, or more interested in the welfare of the child than himself or herself.

We all have desires and needs, and the wants of adults as parents always include their offspring. This can be harder for some than others.

Whom do we serve? There is a famous (well, to those who do espouse the Holy Bible), verse from Joshua defining who do we serve? Is it God or some one or something else?

"We cannot serve God and Mammon,", Jesus says.

"No man can serve two Masters". Again, the Lord. He goes on about loving one and hating the other. He says things worth pondering, of course. Those are parts of my interest in the Divine.

Render unto Caesar what is his; he uses the coin from the random fish to illustrate the point. 

It is totally difficult to concentrate or focus the desires and interests of the heart purely into a few simple things, even if stated and vowed. We have distractions and other gods that we love, or fancy, or contemplate, or simply are inundated by.

Caprices and whims, curiosities and indulgences, obsessions and/or compulsions.

We (I) try to stay on track with a few simple things. Some of them compete against each other.

Generalism, specialization, and all the pathways between.

Good luck heart! Good luck, mind, brain! Stay following the planets or stars that you do.

Really, good luck and God bless. Believe it, and Him, or not.

Either way, the choices and options are ever before you. Some of the ones behind you may haunt you, and the ones ahead may be the same.

Live in the present? Sure, some of the time.

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