Monday, August 5, 2019

Breaking News: God Owes You

Breaking News: God Owes You

Don't believe this? Read on, cautious reader...

This is not a new message to many; I have fashioned it to strike a different angle than what you might be used to. Please read on in order to contemplate the pitch, and like that used book store in downtown Bloomington, Indiana where I grew up, at which I would buy old, used comic books: Caveat Emptor. "Buyer Beware."

If water is the the key to life and the universe, and if people may have a greater purpose or purposes than randomly organizing themselves across the biosphere and its expanding spheres of life and influence, then the plan or intent of a Creator, known to most as God, is a decent way to discover the nature of the greater will and purpose. Meaning.

Does He (some say She, they...), this mostly unseen Good, exist? And if so, does He have a benevolent disposition, to us, His offspring?

I argue that yes, He is a Supreme and caring and loving God.

A lot to take in and trust? Sure. There is plenty to distrust, the history of our planet not being very caring or trusted.

I get it: famine, war, pestilence, greed, pain, torture, malice... Those are real things, realities that the human family is plagued with.

However, there is a plan, there is an authority, there is method and a means for the individual and the family, the nuclear and the greater collective family to be linked, sealed, saved, and exalted to God.

What does that mean?

Again, it can be hard to believe: human history is rife with awful tragedies, greed, corruption, suffering, strife and malfeasance. There is a lot of evidence to indicate that if there is not a Benevolent God or Supreme Powers, that there is not a plan that He has mapped out for us.

Trust, belief, faith, practice, promises, covenants. Feelings and promptings and rational observations lead to a decision to commit and make promises, commitments, to a hard to see in a readily easy or transparent fashion what the better or best result is.

Religion: the answer? In a century when more people than ever are departing the ways of any organized faith, citing the failed methods and effects of everyone, every dogma, every creed, every organized religious system, for thousands of years, that they see and study and experience. Citing and sourcing perfectly true anecdotes and other data to prove that religions have caused more hurt and heartache than have solved problems; that organized religion is a combination of mistaken premises and foundations combined and founded on misapplied mores and tenets, beliefs and practices that make no sense and no longer, if ever applied to the human race.

I get it. I understand such thinking.

Most, or all of them (organized faiths), seem unfair, unkind, unnecessarily rigid, made up, non-justified,  or simply misguided, or worse yet: designed to oppress and suppress.

Ugh, I stated it! What is worse than oppression and suppression?

True. There is little worse than oppression and suppression.

So, I suppose we must consider the alternatives.

Without a good God or supreme being with our best intent in mind, or in a world with no stated higher goal other than survival of the fittest or some secular yet material world, purely self-interest consequences in mind, nothing beyond this mortal plane or the here and now, there are plans that exist for humanity.

They include the myriad of drafts, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, taxes, governments, international and other organizations that do exist or would exist if taken further. Many of them are human-based agreements and innovations, and many of them succeed at tremendously high rates. Banks and military organizations, and many guilds, industries, and court systems under the auspices of proscribed governments are doing very well. Industries have their latitude to operate and succeed, in every endeavor. Even philanthropic and other scientific enterprises are doing considerably well in 2019.

These are good things, and many would argue that most do not suppress, or oppress, except for a big system called the People's Republic of China, or modern day Russia, and now Turkey, and few other dozen repressive regimes scattered across the globe. Many even argue that the United States, self-appointed arbiter of freedom and justice, is itself an oppressive instrument of the greater good of mankind.

I get it. Perhaps we are a bully. Arguments are meant to be discussed and hashed out. Not used as cudgels and batons of enforcement.

As this present one, this debate about God and organized religion.

Does God exist? Does He, or has He, communed with humanity?

If so, what is the proof? How can we trust these claims?

Here it is: we must weigh the evidence of the claims.

The overarching message is personal and direct: repentance and purity.

Overall integrity and team mission, i.e., the purpose of the better good must be at the core of our motives and actions.

In this way all benefit and mutual trust is created, shared, and sustained.

Some see the invasive nature of those that "have no business in my/your life".

I understand that idea.

But, the people who care about your best interest are the ones that really will come together to save you from peril, that is really how drastic the consequences are. Life and death, sickness and health.

Some say live and let live, let people use the broad rule of law to let people live freely with little interference from above. Yes, agreed.

We do need rules, yes; beyond rules we need imperatives, and commandments, in this religious case. We need commandments of a good, virtuous, unselfish nature.

We are promised if we make oaths with the Author of these rules and imperatives, we will be richly reward.

And that is what I suggest and invite to all.

Find Him, make that promise, that commitment, and live it and love it to the end.

He will make it as He said it would. Life everlasting starts now.

Keep moving forward.

Find it, search, analyze, compare, contrast, and make the move: choose the community of God.

Whatever or whoever that is to you.

Don't just stay to yourself.

Look up and live. Join the children of God, no matter what detractors might say.


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