Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Thinking about a Lot of Things; Hoping for a World Without Hate

Thinking about a Lot of Things; Hoping for a World Without Hate

    I suppose greed and avarice are manifestations of hate. Selfishness and self-serving over sharing and being generous. People hate others for reasons imagined and real. Retaliation and competition are ever-present factors in our world.

    I have been reading about some bad people lately, in books about criminals and another famous book where the author hates many people. Perhaps these are not considered uplifting or positive, per se, but I find them informative and useful. I feel the need to learn about such things, because the alternatives are right there before us.

    Why are we naturally so cruel, or at minimum, lazy and selfish?

    Love, giving, working hard and not taking from others, being a peacemaker as a recent sermon implored us to be.

    Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics. We can all be that kind of people.

    We have many rich people, many poor, and the rest of us in between. We can learn to get along and not hate, kill, steal, rob, offend

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