Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Xi Jinping: Mass Rapist of the 21st Century

 Xi Jinping: Mass Rapist of the 21st Century

We thought that Ghengis Khan was bad centuries ago?
Or Adolph Hitler, or Joseph Stalin, or Mao Zadong?
Welcome to the new age, world watchers.
Thousands, hundreds of thousands, imprisoned, and many of them forcibly raped, tortured, killed.

I wish people would get out in the streets about this.

XI is the number one rapist in the world. I stand with feminists on this one.

Us Americans have first world problems, we are so lucky.


  1. There were some times when I wanted to choke out Osama bin Laden with my bare hands. I feel this way about the Chinese leader.

    Makes. Me. Sick. Enough to kill him. Call me crazy, I cannot stand the violence against innocents.

  2. And most of us are cowards for not doing more about it. Citizens, money makers, tax payers, politicians. We are COWARDS. We need to stand up to the bullies of the world. Especially the sexual predators.
