Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Imprisoned by Poor Choices and Vices

Imprisoned by Poor Choices and Vices

 I don't care what color or creed you are: if you make poor choices, you will be shackled and imprisoned, in every way you can imagine. We are none of us perfect, we all make mistakes, but we can only afford to make so many poor choices before we fall into bondage. 

What are the poor choices? 

Acting like drugs and chemicals will not damage you short term, but worse yet, long term. 

Play with nicotine, marijuana, booze, cocaine, heroin, pain killers?

You fool! Poor, poor choice. Welcome to the prison camp of the stupid and maniacs.

Idiots. How many people warned you of these traps?? How many times have we/they/I/she/he said so?

HOW MANY? If not thousands, hundreds. Why swim with crocodiles and serpents? You have already and not been overwhelmed? Well, if so, you've been lucky and not been devoured whole, only being bitten here and there? The chains are coming.

Stop. It. Now.

Other bad choices?

Sexual contact with people that you are not legally contracted with.

Traditional marriage? Yes, of course. This is the way to freedom and security, stability and happiness.

If you are having casual sex, you are inviting in a world of insecurity and self-loathing. Is this the first time you have heard this counsel? Come, now. Grow. Up. Casual sex or informal carnal relations damages you and others, but it locks you up in bondage, regret, and filth.

Casual sex. Sounds easy, huh? 

Get a grip, wake up stupid generation of scurvy sailors!

Then, when it comes to other mistakes that we fall prey to, there are the custody battles over the offspring of our our failed marriages... Those break ups involve heartache and pain, and financial gauging of lawyers and worse than that, but some of those choices cannot be avoided, I know.

Other poor choices?

Not eating right.

Not getting enough exercise.

Not working.

Not learning, not getting the proper education.

Not maintaining some modicum of discipline and sacrificing for the benefit of others before yourself, be it your family or company or faith or government... Causes outside of you. You have to be motivated by things outside and beyond just yourself! Get over yourself a bit. I am not saying become a servant to others, but if you are only about YOU, then you have also become endentured to your own ego. Seek for balance, never easy, but worth your time and muscle.

Other bad choices?

Breaking the law. Stealing, robbing, assaulting, flaunting the law with money or cheating taxes.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

I do not care what color, ethnic persuasion, gender, orientation, religious belief or philosophical bent you are or have, how tall you are, how short you are, how fast or slow, how sick or healthy: please stop making poor choices, again and again and again.

We all make poor choices. Fine. We fall and rise up again.

But why do we/you keep going back to the old, stupid ones that you have been making for years????

Sorry if this upsets me, but I care.

I care.

I care that we make terrible choices and reap the consequences.

I care that we can improve and get better, avoiding those poor choices that lead us to vices and shackles and prisons.

Have a great Independence Day this week. 

Enjoy your freedom, do not choose the jails of our minds and flesh.

Choose life, choose freedom.

No more prisons! Break free from the bonds of error. Let's make better choices, now, and every day and beyond. We can mess up, we are not expected to be perfect. But we must progress in wisdom.

Good luck and God bless.

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