Sunday, August 13, 2023

The F-Word of Disrespect for Almost Everyone Involved

The F-Word of Disrespect for Almost Everyone Involved

    I recently listened to part a podcast (I do not usually do much of this) and the person being interviewed uses the F-word (the English word that is considered the worst, that has a vulgar sexual connotation as a point of meaning in the original use). I have some views and feelings on the word and the usage of it that I would like to share.

    As a smaller child in the 1970s I remember hearing the word and thinking about it; I determined that I would not use it. I believed in God, and I more or less promised God and I myself that I would not use that word. This was a part of who I wanted to be. It was a wrong word for me. Not approved.

    This many years later, after the #ME2 movement, defending the overly-sexualized actions and improper attempts at coerced behavior from certain men towards women, or groups of people, and the general non-acceptance of sexually charged language and attitudes that are not deemed correct, polite or no, we are still stuck with the ever-used and abused F-bomb. I thought mistakenly that its popularity would decrease with the awareness of how hyper-sexual and violent usage of our language increased.

    Problem is, to me, people are generally ignorant and many times have no idea of the nature of the word as they use and abuse it. Used as an expletive, adverb, noun, verb, adjective... The word is a go-to no-brainer filler for many people, helping them think, I guess, that they have extra power in language, emphasis, persuasiveness, or maybe a belief that they are one of the common folks. Everybody talks this way, they presume consciously or unconsciously, so I am one of the guys.

    All of that is wrong. The word and its usage is wrong.

    It is a high sign of disrespect to oneself, others, and God, and to the language itself. How so?

    I will explain. If you believe in God, and you do not have to, but if you do allow that there is a higher being and a creator of the Universe, then this profanity is a profane remark. It takes away from the respect in language and thought that we should give to Him. It puts us above Him, or profanes and denigrates the nature and notion of a Higher Power. God's power and presence is diminished and insulted, diminished. It puts us above Him. The word and its use puts the employer of it in a place where reverence for a Divine Being is , lowered, dirtied and sullied. Like wiping excrement in His face.

    Okay, maybe people do not think of it that way. I do. I think the misuse of the word is an offense to the procreative power of Godlihood, the purity and awesome power of a man and woman to create and sustain life. Nothing bigger that I know of, and something massive and beautiful that should be revered and held sacred, with utmost respect. The foul use of this word denigrates and demeans it all.

    Fine, you don't have to believe in God to understand that the F-word does not give proper respect to yourself or others. Remove any God or holiness, propriety and purity from the equation. The F-word is still wrongly used, and shows heightened disrespect to all involved.

    It is a sexual term. That is part of the potency of its usage. Suggestive, crass, vulgar, guttural, visceral. The sound and connotation of it in English is why so many people like it, fall back on it, overuse it. It is gritty and implies violence and force.

    God and belief in things holy out of the equation, is this word appropriate? Of course not! I have been lectured for years and years in countless meetings in the professional and secular civilian and military environments that language and conversations that discriminate and demean minorities and make others uncomfortable are wrong. So there is that. It is a big deal, on a secular level. Sexual terminology has no place in the professional secular world. Or does it? it does not.

    Unless people completely remove the sexual meaning of the F-word from what it is, then this word has no place or purchase in secular,  professional, discussions. God, religion, mortality, or not. In the politically and socially correct times that we do live in the 21st century, the F-word is wrong. Not to be used or abused.

    Finally, intellectually and academically, or in decent commerce and regular conversation and interaction, the F-word is a crutch and filler that inhibits better words, better expression, better ideas. It is a sad cover and blanket word for smarter ideas and conveyance of thoughts and descriptions. \\

    It is wrong. It is cheap. It is crass. It is hyper-sexual. It is offensive. It is potent for a reason. It is over-used to the detriment of better vocabulary and thought. It needs to be checked, analyzed, investigated, and ultimately eliminated.

    People stand up against the Nuclear bomb. Understandable. We can stand up against the F-bomb.

    Let's figure out how we talk and communicate. Let's dig into what ideas and words we want to spread and proliferate. Let's stop noise and thought pollution.

    Let's choose better words. Let's be smarter and less disrespectful to ourselves and others.

    We do ourselves a disservice by employing such poor expressions. Respectful yourself, choose better.

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