One More Voice in a Sea of Millions
Many of us earth inhabitants have our opinions of how things should work, and what does not work.
I am one of them, an observer, if you will. I have been developing my opinions, hypotheses, ideas, and observations for more than 40 years. One bit at a time, brick by brick or pebble by pebble, I gather these things and formulate. Some of those bricks break or erode with time, while the pebbles can get lost by the wayside. What are my opinions? I will make a list.
1. The United Nations has never been united enough. While the major purpose of avoiding another world war has been achieved till now (not bad), the U.N. peacekeepers and other divisions of them have been way too divided, to the detriment of millions of us. It could be much better. Is it the Communist China and former Soviet Union's fault? Or was the problem with the Western capitalist nations? Either way, the U.N. has let millions of innocent people die, starve, re-locate under duress, and lose their lands and livelihoods.
2. Capitalism works; the Adam Smith principle of economic self interest applies to the human condition, but we need magnanimous governments and social programs to look after the unempowered.
3. Some people, through heinous acts, deserve the death penalty, after a trial by their peers and good legal representation and due process and proper evidence and incontrovertible conviction.
4. Police and law enforcement do the right thing most of the time in the United States. There are some police that make mistakes, but we have systems in place to stop the corruption and abuse of power that occurs among those who enforce the law.
5. White collar crime is despicable; those who commit it should pay more to society, in effect they are robbing the honest hard workers of the world and setting us back very far.
6. Some government and corporate entities take more from the people that support them than they contribute. We need to help change these practices and abuses.
7. It is hard to prove that any God is above in heaven. Many people have reasons to believe in a Supreme Being or other supernatural powers. It is understandable why people do not believe.
8. Most of us are hypocrites, since it is hard to match all our opinions with our actions. Hail to the people that match their expectations and deeds.
9. I believe that racism is one of the worst things in the world. Cultural superiority and ethnocentrism tend to be worse in our day and age.
10. Wars are very unfortunate events, most of the time resulting from greed.
11. There are legitimate reasons to go to war.
12. Religions mean to achieve greater goods.
13. Many or most religions are exploited and people use them, like any organization, to get away with less than noble things.
14. Some economic plans can ruin many peoples' lives. Other economic plans and processes help a lot of people.
15. I do not like vulgar expressions and words. I understand why some people like them.
16. I do not like drugs and mind altering substances. I understand why some people use them, like them, abuse them, and sell them.
17. Making money is good, and being generous with those funds is the best thing.
18. Standing up for and defending the weak is the best thing anyone can do.
19. Exploring new places and conserving the nature that we already enjoy is hugely important.
20. Good stories and entertainment are key to helping us grow and develop.
21. Non-fiction stories and history, all our human sciences, all add up to really knowing who we are.
22. We all should be free in who and what we each love. Some types of love or likes are not appropriate.
I will stop here.
It is good to sleep, get rest, exercise, eat well, muse good things, and pray and sing, or dance, or however people get close to their higher self.