Tuesday, December 15, 2020

China Talks to Russia --Usually in English

 China Talks to Russia --Usually in English

I write this conversation --that I dare you to read!-- in this language because it is my native and best one. I can converse adequately in a few other languages, that I have felt good about because of the sheer number of countries and peoples where they are spoken, and the mental and emotional effort that I have put into trying to acquire them . I earned my first college degree in Spanish, which was relatively easy to do in the United States after working on that language six consecutive years, including two in South America. But I still put effort into it; I had to try to understand, conceptualize, retain and memorize things in Spanish. There is a lot to the Spanish world. The grammar tests, the literature and poetry quizzes and tests, the history and culture tests, preceded by the books, lectures, dialogs, travels, and the mess ups and travails.

It's humbling, still is.
Also, a couple years ago I did a computation of how many countries and territories were in the world and how many different dialogs could occur between individuals from them. Around 56,800 or something like that. I did 4 or so, so far. But they were individual fictitious characters whereas these following characters will be the embodiments of the two countries in question. (Perhaps this is a bit like a Bertolt Brecht play I read back in college, I think to myself as I re-read this a few days later).

As big and bad and bold as the United States is in the 21th century, China and Russia are giant proud behemoth nations with arguably much longer histories. I say arguably, because people still discount the fact the United States still has a few million native Americans as part of the country, and they have always played an integral part of who we are.

Anyway, enough said.

Россия;  俄羅斯 (é luó sī): We are the largest country in the world, even without the former Soviet Republics, some of which we control anyways; the oceans are more open to us than to any other government or world Naval force. We are the pioneers (cosmonauts) of outer space; our culture and language is superior to all others, for many reasons will be verified over the course of time.

中國 (zhōng guó); Китай (yitai) : Yes, mother Russia, we recognize your vastness and power, but we have more land and sea that we have developed better in a shorter amount of time. Our population is not only massive but we transformed our citizenry into healthier, bigger, stronger, than ever before. Our multi-thousand year civilization has brought more to the world than anyone else. We are older than the Jews or Christians; the decadent capitalism of the West is surely the solution for allowing the common people to wallow in the mire while the earth founders in its own filth. We have the best solutions to improve the entire human race. We know what works and we are doing it.

Россия: We understand your point of view, ancient and modern China, but you do not possess enough true mineral and oceanic resources to really control the planet as we can. We share a common border and we appreciate the trade that you provide for us; your human development has been very well implemented due to the Marxist principles that you implemented in the past and how thy may still assist you economically and structurally. Speaking of Marx: he was a smart innovator that our early Russian pioneer revolutionaries were inspired, such as your Mao, but we currently have the right leadership to truly make things for the best. We appreciate your cooperation in these matters, helping the entire world develop as it should, with the sound principles that we have espoused and advanced across the globe for decades.
中國: China is poised in the world today like no other nation or people. We have our influence in every continent and corner of the globe, including the seas and into outer space. We are helping more starving, destitute, and economically stressed peoples in more nations that any other single country.

We are good at developing and growing, and we will continue to do so.

Not to be too insulting, but factually the Russian population has dropped because of health and diet issues, and the population is not regenerating as it should.

Россия: Yes, we understand your point of view. We have struggles in national health from the time of break up of the U.S.S.R. (1990-1991), and there have  been difficult transitions to compose our strongest version of our ourselves. It has taken a while for our leadership to coalesce as it is now constituted. We have made our biggest gains since our greatest leader, Putin, like your Mao, has put the proper policies into effect.

中國: We respectfully see the successes and triumphs of your ways, but we are convinced that the world will come further and further under Chinese influence and power. As we mentioned, we are trading and developing with partnerships all over the world. There are millions of people who otherwise would be jobless and starving without our industry and planning, in places where the so-called democratic nations are afraid to go. We are the true People's Republic, and we are the answer for the worst of the world's ills, including greed and corruption, that allow the common person to die forgotten. We know this was at the hear of Marx and Trotsky, Lenin and early Soviet leaders, which was brought to its highest fruition in Commander Mao here in China. We Chinese know what it is like to be occupied and exploited by the Western capitalist powers. They have always controlled and manipulated their colonized victims through drugs and violence, the same way the Western Hemisphere was stolen from the natives there. They tried it here, the British, the Portuguese, the Germans, the Dutch; almost all of them. The United States would have done the same after the Japanese War but gratefully Mao Zedong was in place to thwart them and establish our monumental government as now structured.

Россия: Bravo to you and your people for overcoming those oppressors and bullies. They persist still, and we are in similar situations as those countries strong enough to stand up to them. We share large regions of shared border, and we share in our history a mutual competition and antipathy with Japan. We need to stay friends and allies in order to go forward in our shared goals.
中國: Yes, there is room enough on the planet and beyond into space for both of our visions and trajectories. We both will continue to out-produce and outwork our more decadent competitors and the upstart insurgents, such as the extremist Muslims that we have had to face. We will sanitize and clean up our environments, scientifically, and according to best social science practices. We will bring prosperity to all as envisioned by our forbears.

Россия: We can agree to get along and become co-inheritors of the power and cultures that we share. As in the Soviet film technique of finding the true dialectic between the thesis and antithesis, we people-based nations and governments will discover the true paths for our humanity to share. We know it does not lie in the fanatical Islam or the misdirected democracies of the West, but in the true secular and Christian golden rule of do unto others as they would do unto you. Christ may not have been any divine being, but like Confucius or the Tao he was a wise counselor.

Dos vedanya, great Китай (yitai)
中國: Zai zhen, mother 俄羅斯 (é luó sī).


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