Thursday, July 4, 2019

Being American, 2019

Being American, 2019

"Made in America." Nationalistic and economic in its intention to assure of of our supposed continued greatness, we all (U.S. citizens) know and hear it, this phrase and mantra, in the United States and abroad. Made in the USA.

"Help our own." "Buy American".

We are strong and proud, the wealthiest and strongest in the world.

At what price? What does the hubris and even arrogance cost us?

At age 48 I can muse a bit on what it is to be a citizen of our fine land. Who we are, who we think we are, and what we do, how we posit ourselves in the world...

Are we bullies? Are we protectors?

We are something in between. Yes. We are red, white, and blue, patriotic, and grey.

We are a mix of many things.

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